VIDEO: Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson discuss Trump's nutty behavior

Trump doesn’t have the power. And he left the NATO meetings in a snit over this, which was probably what everyone else was hoping for (even if that wasn’t why they said the, well, pretty neutral things they said about the situation).


Eh? That’s better than what you would have personally heard at any (even slightly) successful party, without standing in the circle with the speakers. Spying is already too damn good, thenkyewveddymuch.

Turkey will end NATO even faster than Der Orangenführer can, most likely. Not that it’s a GOOD thing, but…

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Anyone saying Trump is finished is way too cavalier in their optimism and far too forgiving to American voters. This is the county that doubles down on stupid. Two terms of Nixon and Bandar Bush.

It’s going to be near impossible to unseat this idiot without a major recession. Even then it’s a long shot.

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sure but the general ideology is on the you tube is no knew
even steven after the event so I don’t suppose you to know a micro edit yo

There was a fourth person in the conversation, you know. Or is there a reason why she wouldn’t count?

Moreover, this lack of professionalism will be wielded like a club by the Conservatives in the next election which may be sooner rather than later given the minority government. Contrary to some posters, I don’t think the electorate are greatly enamored by politicians acting like a high-school clique, especially when they are hoping to vote for the adults in the room.

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You mean fifth person? Together with the man that is blocking her from view so much that it’s impossible to see who she is? Or are you taking the (reasonable) position that you have to say something (on camera) to count as being "in the conversation"?

By all accounts there were three men and a woman in the conversation. Which one got left out of the headline?

Trump has hammered this point (the economy) so often, and the Democrats let him get away with it every time.

Every time the economy is brought up, Democrats should rightly say “Thank you, President Obama.” Obama started with the economy at the bottom. He rescued key industries from disaster, created agencies to help prevent another one, and the economy showed progress for every year of his administration. Just in time for Trump to take credit for it, and fritter away an unfunded trillion dollars to his .1% peers.

As usual, Trump takes a weakness, tells a lie about it enough times that it has turned into one of his greatest strengths.


Either that or “Yes, thank you Preznit Trump for an economy where people working three jobs have trouble getting by.”


Not by the account we are discussing here, the account of the Boing Boing post:

She does mention “other VIPs”, so I guess that covers Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte and the mystery women.

I’m honestly not entirely sure what we are disagreeing on here…

There appear to be five men and a woman. I’m not disagreeing, just calling out BB for not mentioning that it wasn’t all men.

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Whenever someone mentions the economy, and how “good” it is, I ask them how they are doing. The best response I get back is, “we’re getting by.” The only people the economy is “good” for are the ultra-rich, and even for them it’s mediocre. 1.2% GDP growth ain’t worth writing home about.


[searches for meme that succinctly yet snarkily expresses the insight that the ultra-wealthy control the disseminated means of gauging how well “the economy” is doing . . . ]


It won’t be the first time I’ve been called Captain Obvious.


And it won’t be the last. :slight_smile:



But that’s not at all what I meant, and it’s not an obvious point, at all. I was just hoping to be clever in return.


I’m at the point where I have this vague memory of someone telling Trump that “The economy is not the stock market and the stock market is not the economy,” and Trump looking back at them like a poached fish, but I think it’s just an imagining that has wormed it’s way into my consciousness.


Yeah, we’re in some kind of tidal change when it comes to Truth. Sometimes me head feels above water, but most of the time I’m gasping for breath. Thanks Trump!

[searches for gif of Trump dunking a hamberder in a Diet Coke]


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