Video: Lauren Boeber confuses wonton and wanton

Why would people listen to a speaker who clearly hasn’t put the effort in to understanding what she is saying, and therefore is disrespecting both her audience and the bible?


i think its really telling where she went immediately after.
like, she diddnt continue like nothing happened.

she encountered a word she diddnt understand, in the context of murdering.

sounds interesting? wow.
new types of murder interest her. followed by immediate denials. lulz

“…I don’t know what a wonton killing is. I’m gonna have to look that one up. But it sounds interesting. I don’t think I wanna be a part of it.”

Maya Angelou on Oprah
“When people tell you who they really are…”


Haha I mean they already mis-named it ‘Texas Toast’ I think you’re just doubling down :sweat_smile:

That’s the actual name of this style of garlic bread concoction. Am I missing something in your statement? (French toast is a different thing. We’re not going along with the incident @Brainspore references, but making fun of it in a modern context.)


If the speaker was in grade school or high school. I take that back: even an intelligent high schooler wouldnt be so casually, breezily ignorant. This quotation is so scary-important she is reading it to a crowd, yet she doesn’t even know what it means ?

Plus – she’s quoting one of the most worthless and obviously untrue parts of bible, where its claiming “Hey guys, if you don’t constantly worship Yahweh, and just ‘go it alone’, everyone will just kill each other.”

  • Has anyone ever known of a civilization not based on Christianity where they didnt all kill each other? Yes. So many.

  • Oh, and by the way, has anyone ever known of a Christian civilization (or cult) that killed multitudes of either its own or its neighbor? Yes. So many.


It’s consistent with the actions of the modern GOP: the crudité is the point.


Dubya didn’t know tenets from tenants.
Darth Cheney pronounced it nucular instead of nuclear.
MTG fears the Gazpacho Police.
Boebert doesn’t know the word wanton.

It’s easy to make fun of these people, especially when they are willfully and woefully ignorant, yet we must take them seriously. They have (or had) power and people that listen to them and vote.



More than that, many of those voters see that ignorance as a virtue.


I believe that was also Dubya…


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