Virginia gentleman doesn't need to know what Critical Race Theory is, he knows he is voting against it

Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live


I think the conservatives mistakenly believe the point of school is to reinforce the views of parents (no matter how wrong they are).


I suspect you have misread the issue. I doesn’t matter what you call it, it involves things that might make white people rethink how they have treated PoC’s throughout history. These are the same folks who want textbooks to refer to slaves as “workers” and blame the Indian genocide on the Native Americans not respecting the white man sufficiently. You could name it “Grandma’s Warm Fussy Blanket,” but GWFB would be the next screaming idiot talking point.


Ditto the phrases “white privilege” and “Black Lives Matter.” Anyone who says the terminology is the part causing so much division is not being honest with themselves or others.


Had this talk with my daughter last night. The biggest threat is progessives staying home because they aren’t excited about McAuliffe. They will be plenty excited about Trump-kin winning, but not enough to stop it happening. Youngkin has been pretty effective at keeping his actual positions out of the press, and focusing on “McAuliffe doesn’t think parents should tell schools what to teach” and making hat on that. Republicans anymore are permanently pissed off and feel that they are threatened and oppressed by “socialist Democrats.” Meanwhile, Progressives are too busy looking for perfect and not seeming to realize that if they allow the Fascists to win, they will be sooo much further from their goals than they are now. Yes, it is a “lesser of two evils” argument, and yes, that sucks, but it is also where we are right now. Abandoning the field to the literal Nazi party is just not an option.


Yeah, I held my nose and voted for a boring been there white guy.



At this point, the Democrats will take about ten years to completely destroy society. The Republicans will take about two. Right now, I’m jumping from the top floor of a skyscraper to keep from burning to death.


There is some hope of moving the Dems left, or at least back to sanity. That ship sailed on the right decades ago. When there is no third options, I will take slim hope over no hope.



Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live


This guy definitely did great with doing his own research; we’re talking PhD level research here.



I kind of liked the “…I ordered a [Pepperoni from the Democrats, and got a cheese pizza,] but the other party wants to feed me nails and arsenic.”


As an aside, can this serve as a reminder that we don’t need journalists spending more time trying to understand the political views of fucking racists morons than those fucking racist morons have spent thinking about them themselves?


I keep loudly reminding myself that I do not want any kind of meritocracy requirement for voting. I think it’s a horrible thing and this has been proven beyond a doubt to me through many examples. Then I see something like this and the cycle of convincing myself begins anew.

The worst I can say about Democrats in general is they’re too conservative for my tastes. Voting for Republicans, if I could begin to stomach that option, would not be a solution to my concerns. On the positive, however, most of them manifest in the useless, standing around getting in the way, kind of inaction while other people get the actual work done. Once it’s clear that actual social progress is going to be made anyway, most of them will kind of half-hardheartedly get into it and try to pretend they were with progress the whole time. (“Oh, yeah, we did kind of vote against marriage equality didn’t we? But hey, it passed eventually anyway, so let’s pretend that we were with you!”)

All things considered, I can live with that much better than traitorous Republicans who’d sell the copper from the walls of the country if … oh wait, they’ve already been doing that. Never mind.


Annnd trumkin youngkin is ahead

Dog help Virginia.


If it’s anything like 2020, Trump was ahead in some places because many Democrats voted early and those got counted later. Could be the same here…

Fingers crossed though.


Nytimes says

Expect it to be a late night in Virginia. And possibly a long week.

In 2020, President Biden won the state by 10 percentage points, and the race wasn’t called until well after midnight. No one expects the margin of victory for either Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate, or Glenn Youngkin, the Republican candidate, to reach double digits, meaning a large percentage of the vote total will likely need to be counted before it is clear who won.

If the margin is fewer than 10,000 votes, Virginians may have to wait a few days. The state requires that all mail ballots postmarked by Election Day be counted if they are received by the following Friday at noon. In 2020, the count included 10,901 ballots that fell in that post-Election Day window.

Also, I hear that Fairfax is having difficulties counting the ballots, and it’s the fairfax avalanche at the end of the night that has ended up deciding these statewide elections. The other democratic strongholds are a little timelier.

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Oh? Yes, well that seems like the most important election issue to me too.

Oh, you’re looking at it as if it’s a representation of a 2d set of gears…

I thought they cleverly were representing oversimplified images of 3d spherical gear balls with curved gear ridges either rotating into or directly out of the image. /s


Well shit, it looks like people like this “gentlemen” are going to get their new guv.

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