Virginia woman threatens to "bring every single gun loaded and ready" to school over mask mandate

It was, of course, but she didn’t think she’d get in trouble - she just believed that people would do whatever she told them to do, so now she’s very much trying to use her white privilege to backtrack.


Hey, she only implied that she was going to shoot people! It should only be perceived as a statement that she’s going to shoot a bunch of people only if she’s actually going to do it (which you should magically know). If she’s not actually going to do it, it’s a joke or hyperbole, or, you know, a threat. But not a threat in a crime way! It’s a threat in a way “only” intended to get society to do things the way she wants them to be done, because she has guns - that’s what the 2nd amendment is for!

I feel like this is entirely the current conservative notion of what the 2nd amendment is for - getting those in government* to do whatever you personally want them to do. Because you have guns, they’re just supposed to let you!

*But not exclusively those in government.

Man, this is really one of those times when that definition of “white privilege” feels like playing with semantics. I mean, if one’s skin color is the only thing that saves one from facing the consequences of one’s actions, is one’s skin color not making life less hard?


If your skin color actually makes your life easier, then chances are really fucking good that you are White.

Still makes sense; still applies.


Well, the local po-po got around to arresting her. She was charged and released on $5000 bail.


I just mean, the definition is framed as “being white, your skin color didn’t make your life easier, it just didn’t make it harder.” But “not facing the consequences of your actions” feels more like an actual advantage (that in theory no one should get), making life easy, rather than a lack of hardship (especially when it’s a “hardship” literally everyone else gets to face).

Although it appears public outrage might have canceled her white privilege in this case:


Interestingly, if she had made the threat in writing, she would be facing a felony charge. Since she made it orally, it’s only a misdemeanor. The law is really fucking weird.


You’re definitely nit-picking semantics, which is starting to overshadow my very valid point.

Therefore, I am disinclined to continue.

I’m glad she was charged, and hope that it goes somewhere.

Good evening.


“I’m sorry if anyone was offended”


I think I read elsewhere on the boingscape that they own a gun store. Probably shouldn’t have that either.


So allegedly she is a dental hygienist. If true, does she wear masks at work???


This is right-wing SOP: make an inflammatory statement in public to fire up the devotees, then backpeddle off-mic where no one’s looking. Like a newspaper correction, the threat of violence remains gospel while the denial is on record, but late, unnoticed, and ineffective. The only thing that gets attention is what’s said first, not the mumbled retraction.

The school board deserved her apology, not the police.


Yeah, in the era when the top-tier weapons technology was single-shot flintlock muzzle-loaders, things were rather different.


As bad as it was for her to threaten to bring guns, let’s not forget that she also threatened to bring her children unmasked.


If only she’s convicted of a felony cime (how is a terroristic vebal threat not deserving of a felony charge?) then she loses her rights to guns altogether. Problem solved.


So, when she promised to bring “every single gun loaded and ready”, that didn’t mean bringing actual firearms but rather “all the resources she can muster” when delivering her child unmasked to school on Monday. Maybe it’s just me, but I tend to interpret statements like that more literally.

It will be interesting to see what happens at the state supreme court since the executive order should be considered contrary to state law. This is an emotionally charged issue for many and the executive order has stirred things up that had been settled for this school year.

Also, the school board ultimately did vote to make masks optional. I believe that outcome would have come to pass regardless of her weighing in on the matter.


On the face of it, people like this are confusing. Are you an adult baby too fragile to cope with getting the wrong kind of nut milk in your latte? Or are you a soldier on a battlefield? The two seem very different.

My theory is that for this woman, a gun is like a TV remote for strangers. If you don’t like this episode of Property Brothers or this elementary school teacher, you just press a button to make them go away, exercising the consumer choice that wholly defines your personhood.

No way has she thought through what it means to kill a human being. Her world is just a menu of options, and she’s not responsible for the consequences of her choices. Of course she’s shocked at the idea that she wants to murder anyone; it’s none of her business what you do after she shoots you in the head for inconveniencing her.


Always a wise move when considering Ammosexual America.

Probably. The sado-populist prion disease is currently surging in Virginia.


Not just in America, but in a fairly conservative part of Virginia. The “Northern Virginia” which is helping to slowly turning VA “Purple” is a fairly narrow slice of VA. within commuting distance of DC. Just like the country as a whole, a small, densely populated urban area contains about 50% of the population and those that live in less populated areas who are less familiar with crowds and fearful of them are increasingly unhappy with their decreasing political power.

They are afraid of “urban” crowds and that fear has been stoked by Fox News and especially the NRA. After all, defending your perceived “rights,” from urban strangers, or the government seeking to encourage the sorts of behaviors that make living in urban areas easier are what those guns are FOR.

And that is a real problem. I think that most people that kill somebody haven’t. Much of our media uses violence as a method of quick conflict resolution, and that predisposes people to think of it that way. The reality is that if you read soldiers’ memoirs, they are usually more affected by the stress of killing than they are by the stress of risking their lives. Our media almost never shows that.


That neglects the other urban areas of Virginia that are just as progressive as NoVa, like Richmond, Roanoake, Blacksburg, Charlottesville, and the SE beaches. Just like pretty much everywhere else, it’s more of an urban/rural thing. You can’t just chalk it up to NoVa.


Very true. But it is NoVa that is GROWING the most.