Originally published at: Watch a Newsmax host flip out when a veteran says Trump is partially to blame for Afghanistan | Boing Boing
Finding Pro-TFG rhetoric on NEWSMAX is as unsurprising like finding shit in a sewer
Poor guy isn’t safe from truth on his own show.
Well, isn’t that special.
I was in an urgent care center this morning (covid tests - 'nother story) ignoring the TV over my head for a while before I realized it was set to Newsmax. I immediately asked the receptionist to change it. She, innocently I think, asked why and I replied that it was extremist propaganda. She couldn’t compute but another employee came out, having overheard, and sullenly changed it to a Netflix menu screen. Intended as malicious compliance, yes, but the silence was golden.
That host is not only a cultist but a craven one.
His manhood is threatened by women finding Dr Fauci sexy.
Society needs to learn how to identify divisive rhetoric, understand why it is being used, and reject it when we see it.
Proper Discernment / Common Sense is a lost art, it was taught in grade school when I was a lad.
The Vet on his “show” made a good point.
How many Afghans (and us citizens) did Trump evacuate from Afghanistan during the 11 months after he made the agreement surrender to turn over control of Afghanistan to the Taliban while he was sill president?
And lets compare those numbers to how many Biden evacuated when he inherited the mess?
From what I’ve seen, so are the rest of the hosts on Newsmax. It’s like Fox on roids, all angry masculine spittle-splash (even from the few women).
Hmmmmm, I like that.
I assume thats short for hemorrhoid’s right, Inflamed pain in the ass that they are!
Please treat with Preparation Democracy, it’s free in these handy Mid-Term and General election voter sizes.
You’re welcome.
P.S. Good for Re-Call elections too!
That’s why I bring a TV-B-Gone with me to the doctor’s office or really anywhere they have a TV.
Christ, what an asshole.
Trump entered office promising to get American troops out of Afghanistan. He was given more time to accomplish that goal than FDR and Truman spent fighting World War II, and he still couldn’t seal the deal. He deserves credit for nothing.
Does… does that really work? I can find many, many uses for it…
One of these rantholes is going to have a heart attack on air.
I’m going to savor it.