Watch anti-masker woman argue with police before being arrested and kicked off Delta flight

This is mostly correct about Air Marshals (just one L).

But Air Marshals should never be mentioned without a reminder of what a complete joke the program is. Our government spends nearly a billion dollars a year for some guys to fly around taking up prime seats on airplanes doing nothing. They have shot a mentally disturbed person or two (I know they killed Rigoberto Alpizar) and a number of Air Marshals have been arrested for criminal activities of their own or drinking on the job, but I’m not aware of a single case where they actually stopped a bad guy. I think one time an Air Marshal might have done CPR on someone having a heart attack at the airport? Which is great, but surely there was someone else in that airport who knew CPR.

Meanwhile, the odds are incredibly tiny that there will ever be a scenario where all of the following conditions are met: (1) there are actually Air Marshals on the plane (they aren’t on every flight), (2) the bad guys are diabolical enough to overpower the passengers and crew (passengers and crew have proven repeatedly and consistently since 9/11 that they will no longer sit there and let bad guys take over an airplane), and (3) the bad guys AREN’T diabolical enough to neutralize the Air Marshals, who are often pretty easy to spot if you pay attention.

The program shouldn’t exist.