Watch: Jim Bakker says people against Trump are "the spirit of the antichrist"

Synapsids, the group containing the mammal lineage, are no longer considered to be reptiles. If they were reptiles, then we’d have the fish problem all over again.

Reptiles are all Sauropsids, which diverged from Synapsids about 300 million years ago.

So if Synapsids are your parents, then Sauropsids are your aunts and uncles, and reptiles are your cousins.


UN Peacekeepers have officially banned the distribution of Jim Bakker’s Food Buckets to refugees as a crime against humanity.


Meals Rejected by Enemy
Meals Rejected by Ethiopians
Morsels, Regurgitated, Eviscerated,
Mentally Retarded Edibles
Meal Ready to Expel
Meal, Ready to Excrete


I literally cannot look at that without gagging.



The devil’s scared of them, so Yahweh is doing Luci a favor by keeping them around here.

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I would try the bottom left one. What gets me is the dried crusty pieces in all the others.

Well, if anyone knows the antichrist, it would be him. They have been good pals for decades.


Good. You try it. I’ll be over here hurling.

Starts gettin real good around the 3’ mark

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Bloom County got the Bakkers right thirty years ago:


Oh dear sweet baby Cthulhu! That is wild stuff.

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Or snake oil salesmen.

Come to think of it, it totally makes sense that snake oil salesmen defend the greatest among them.

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I was raised in an evangelical christian family. My take is that evangelism is tied to redemption. The evangelical message is to accept redemption and repent. In a weird twist, the greater the sin, the greater the redemption. If you aren’t a top tier sinner, you’ll never get top tier redemption, and all the cred that goes with it.


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