Watch Sarah Huckabee Sanders try to defend Cadet Bone Spurs "run into school" comment

Great scene GoodWillHunting.

Representing the White House as Press Secratary with glib and snide comments doesn’t promote the value of democracy , it demonstrates callousness and lacking class.

This how America shows how it is the Leader of the free world. MAGA!

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Also considering that most if not all schools already have an armed officer on site, why do the teachers have to be armed? Teachers shouldn’t have to deal with the additional stress of being responsible for a firearm if the school’s officer if a god damn coward.

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It’s my understanding that the biggest challenge of Military training is conditioning soldiers to ignore every rational instinct in their bodies and actually run toward the people trying to kill them. That’s something that has to be drilled into soldiers early and often to create an effective fighting force. It’s probably not part of standard police training at all (with the possible exception of SWAT). And it’s so far removed from any training teachers could be expected to have that it boggles the mind.


Isn’t that one of those tiny, 1" × 1" Post-It notes? :joy::joy::joy:

You’re right, there very likely is such a rule in place. Which makes it all the more troubling to expect teachers to engage in a shoot out while the cops’ SOP is not to…


There’s no consistency with the kind of training police get, but large forces, at least, do give some of the more tactical training. They are, to some degree, conditioned to shoot people. But it is still so hard to do, especially when adrenaline destroys fine motor coordination, which makes it exceedingly difficult to hit anything. I was reading something by a military vet who was also an Olympic-level competitive shooter, and his hit rate in simulated combat was a fraction of what it was on the range - and much less than 50%. He’s literally one of the best shooters on the planet and he was talking about how many hours a week he spent training and shocked that anyone thought untrained teachers could somehow be effective in that situation.

Trying to cast the police (all the responding officers, not just the guy who was on scene) as cowards is just part of the propaganda, discrediting them as “good guys.” When the reality is that it wasn’t necessarily self-preservation that motivated their responses, but being smart and tactical. Not knowing what the situation is and running headfirst into a bullet doesn’t do anyone any good, nor is running in and randomly blasting people. Americans have this Hollywood action movie notion of how gunfights work, that involves the hero running in, dodging bullets and shooting guns out of miscreants’ hands. The “good guy” narrative relies on this notion that guns make one able to magically appear right in front of the “bad guy” before he does any damage (and magically know who he is). The reality involves carefully peering around each corner and cautiously moving from safe position to safe position, trying to figure out what’s going on, because otherwise you get pointlessly murdered and/or shoot the wrong person. Which still happens anyways.
What we’re demanding of teachers is essentially that they be suicidal berserkers who can accurately detect danger and run at it, firing. Which obviously doesn’t make the students safer, either.


Last i checked 17 kids died. Maybe the one uniformed guy with a gun stayed outside for good reason, that is still in dispute. it’s still my opinion he failed at his job and i would still consider him a coward. You can call it propaganda, I don’t care because ultimately the responsibility for what happened doesn’t fall on the teachers. It falls on the police or security personnel.

What we’re demanding of teachers is essentially that they be suicidal berserkers who can accurately detect danger and run at it, firing. Which obviously doesn’t make the students safer, either.

Great. We’re on the same page that teachers don’t need this nonsense of giving them guns.


His umbrella’s dome is huge… like his ego.

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From what i’ve read (i don’t remember the sources, sorry), he says he thought the gunfire he heard (which was apparently coming from inside one of the buildings) was from an outdoors gunman and procedure in that instance is to take cover and assess the situation.


Looking at the timeline, the shooting shooting went for only for approximately 7 minutes. For any responders there would of been a period of time of confusion and uncertainty as to what was actually happening. And then some moment for any rational person to decide on a course of action. Who would know if there werehostages involved? Also, the shooter was using an ar-15 which are so powerful that they create significant shrapnel. A similar assault rifle was used in the Port Arthur slaughter here in Australia ( which prompted a banning of this style of gun).There were people in that situation who were critically injured by bone splinters from the person who was shot next to them.
So yeah, uncertain direction of gunfire, random impact exposions and paniced people. Of course the only response is to run in. Blaming the cops for this is deplorable. But you know, in hindsight, we can all be John McClane. Yippe-kai-yay melon farmers . Yeah , right…
This is beyond gun control. These events arent happening in other western civilized countris in such consistency . There’s something truly sick in the soul of the USA.


Ahem. You mean “The time Donald Trump courageously turned away in disgust while a man bled to death in front of him.”


It helps to have no soul to wither.


No. When the police are massively outgunned by a mentally unstable 19-year-old with military grade weaponry then the responsibility for what happens falls on 1) the shooter, and 2) the people who fought to ensure said shooter would be able to get his hands on such a weapon.


But it shouldn’t fall on any of them. Because the basic problem is that “good guys with guns” simply can’t stop events like this. They never have. That’s the propaganda - this idea that we can stop shootings if we have security there, and then it becomes their responsibility to stop it. But they can’t, so it’s unfair to put that on them. (It’s really beside the point to admit that it’s not really even the job of law enforcement to try to stop them.) There’s a separate issue that cops on campus don’t solve problems, they create them.
If we want security to be in a position to stop shooters, then schools need to be turned into fortresses where all would-be shooters have to pass through a single point (with metal detector) where if they’re going to rampage, they have to begin at that point. Even that is less about allowing security to stop them and more about necessarily making security the first target. So ultimately security might not be in much of a better position to stop them, but at least in failure they’ll have the “excuse” of having been shot.


When people do religion for money like the Huckabee family does, it’s hard to feel sorry for them when people poke fun at them. (Had many Twinkies today, Sarah Double Chin?)

well… tRump’s not black. Now I’m sure that has nothing to do with it. Just wanted to toss that out there.

Timeline for the rampage say 7 minutes from shooter entering building to when he left it. How long until the actual rampage started? How quickly after initial firing did deputies ascertain it was a madman with a gun?How long to quickly assess situation? How much time left did that leave to find and engage with shooter before he left?
So how quickly do you want your hero cop to run in ,weapon drawn? News Headline: Student shot dead by school cop for slamming locker doors.


Does he know how stressful being a school teacher can be? Most kids are awesome, but every grade or class have a few little shits, you know the ones i’m talking about. There are days as a teacher…yeah, no, how about we pay them well instead? hmmm…


I expect most teachers would fumble the gun, like Fredo did when Don Corleone was attacked.