Watch: Should Hillary Clinton be impeached? You betcha!

The far more interesting question would be, given allegations of sexual assault, if they would vote to impeach Bill.

She did quite well herself, no help needed. She was so naturally gifted at the tone deaf backhanded insult I can’t believe anyone beyond the inside of her head thought it was a good idea to go into politics.

Anyone wondering why a large part of the country found her so unlikeable should start here:


Also wants the government out of their Medicare.

ooh oooh I know this one!

Grant’s Tomb.


Waii wait wait…so there’s ONE video of HRC losing her cool when asked a horribly sexist question 20 (30?) years ago,
and that in some way justifies all the hate and the American Tragedy we have now? By that standard how is the Orange One
at 40% approval? Its almost like there are two standards or something…


So you, also, think Hillary Clinton should be impeached?

Because this this was responding to a side question, I linked to short video clips for to-the-point-ed-ness. There is a lot more meaning to unpack from what she said and the context. But mostly what it demonstrates to me was that she was the kind of person who had trouble saying what she wanted without first insulting people, which is a terrible quality in a human being much less a politician. I find that the people in my life that behave that way do inspire pretty visceral negative feelings.

I certainly didn’t say that. The issue was raised why some people hate her. I provided two examples. I don’t hate her for those remarks, but I do remember that she was incredibly insulting and condescending to a large swath of society. And it came out again with her “deplorables” comment. People might have a hard time pointing to an exact act or policy position that justifies hating her, but they sure as heck remember that she looks down on them.

this is kind of sad, most people in their right mind dont give much of a **** about it anyway
so youre on the street asking ordinary folks with all thier fears and worries and desires and wishes something that is stupid
and some of them choose to stop and play along
and then we can watch it for entertainment

The “deplorables” comment was idiotic politically (but accurate), not least because she should have known how it would be edited.

This is what she said immediately after insulting half of Trump’s supporters:

But the other basket – and I know this because I see friends from all over America here – I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas – as well as, you know, New York and California – but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change. It doesn’t really even matter where it comes from. They don’t buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won’t wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they’re in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.

Also, good god. Talk about leaning into an insult. “Half of that guy’s supporters are jerks.” WHO ARE YOU CALLING A JERK?

Nah, the CorpDems appear to be backing Biden. They’re utterly blind to the zeitgeist, as usual.

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That may be the first thing we remember about Hillary, but I blame of the lot of the hate for her on the insurance industry, which spent millions fighting the health care plan she worked on as First Lady. The fallout from that has repercussions now in White House nepotism, resistance to government health care, and residual Hillary hate.

I believe you’re thinking of empeach.


I had actually typed “Rick Mercer” and then I thought about talking to an international audience and replaced it with “a Canadian comedian”.

I’m not sure I want people looking him up and thinking, “Wait, Canada thinks this guy is a national treasure? A little short of national treasure up there, eh?”

Note: I didn’t add the “eh” to the end ironically as if I was quoting an American making fun of Canadians, I put that in there completely naturally because I really do use that in my every day vocabulary and only realized after typing it how ridiculous it was in this context. Yeah, we really do say that.

While I agree that what she said made sense, it is certainly an example towards @stinkinbadgers point that she had trouble saying what she wanted without first insulting people. It’s a perfect fit.

The “deplorables” thing wasn’t really any worse than Obama’s “cling to religion and guns” gaffe. It was basically the same - candidates expressing genuinely empathy for people who disagree with them but having their message buried under a word choice mistake.


OK, half of that guy’s supporters aren’t jerks. :wink:

More trouble with not insulting people than “grab em by the pussy?” Eh… c’mon. It’s horseshit and everyone knows it deep down.

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No, those aren’t the negatives. It is more the fact that the Democratic party shifted to centre right with Bill Clinton (remember when he caved in to the Republican congress) and away from the traditional working class roots, and became a party for the professional class and a dynasty. Why did they pick Hillary at a time when everyone was clamoring for an outsider? Because it was her turn! Thomas Franks discusses it quite well here

Also the reason that Trump won, and I say this having preferred Hillary over his monstrous presidency, was that he skillfully tapped into the brewing discontent in the midwest which the Democrats took for granted as their blue wall.

You have people there whose well paid manufacturing jobs moved south in the 90s and later to Mexico or China and now they’re working in Walmart or one of those Amazon for minimum wage and all they hear every election is vote for me better jobs - and they hear that they’re all going to be replaced by robots, which are all owned by Wall St. types who all got bailed out 8 years before and they finally realized it was all BS. Politics is all about narrative and that’s Trump’s narrative.

Now what was Hillary’s narrative? If you look at her website her policies are just an alphabetical list starting with Alzheimer’s etc and to top it off she states that America is already great. Well aside from the hollowed out cities, opiate epidemics and stripped assets and the fact that 47% of Americans don’t even earn enough to pay taxes. Sure there is racism and xenophobia (that was always there) but that’s not all there is. Right now the DNC and other many centre left parties around the world are unwilling to look at this and blame it all on racism. Which of course means that they are unwilling to except the blame.

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No, but the party needs to examine itself, and quit trying to blame it on Comey, or Putin or that’s its all a bunch of racists.
I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

They just don’t know Rick Mercer. I was very impressed with him when I saw “The Industry.”

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Send them to Georgia, and make them stay there?