Watch: Texas GOP candidate stumbles after admitting she thinks it's wrong that kids can't laugh at "the transgenders"

I read it as admitting she couldn’t bully the child herself, though she wanted to. Bold move, admitting she’d happily bully the kids in her class if she wouldn’t get fired for it.


While I will agree that was the worst president we’ve ever had, I unfortunately also believe that the Republicans have much worst to offer.


addition mine. because it doesn’t stop children from actually being who they are, it just stops them from being able to share it. and the requirement to hide in order to survive childhood is a real and sometimes lasting harm


The GOP and other associated bigots are quite alright with that; I’m sure it’s a goal. To me, learning about other options and realizing what you’ve been experiencing for years (or decades) is a positive experience and one of discovery. I’ve found out more about who I am! To them, and I’ve heard this stated directly, that learning of other options made them that way. As long as you lack the vocabulary to express it, as long as you pretend you’re what they think you are, they’re perfectly happy with that, no matter how much it’s killing you in the meantime.


Full of dehumanizing language. Amongst other things.


Yeah, the intent is to stop them from being who they are in that school, or prevent them from knowing there are other ways of being, but the reality is that it mostly stops kids from being able to share who they are.


A related example of saying the quiet part out loud, from a considerably bigger Republican bigwig: DeVos-backed school funding petition drive launches in Michigan. The part I thought was so telling was "We need to give parents their innate right and power to control their kids’ futures”.

That word, “control”, tells you everything you need to know about DeVos’s values and moral compass, not to mention delusional megalomania. (And why she should never be allowed within 100 meters of a child, much less ever have been put in a position of authority.)


Did … did she really try to use the Overton window and AOC to justify discriminating against “the transgenders?” Wow. And in addition to using transgender as a noun, she also used it as a verb. I’m impressed, in as negative a way as someone can be impressed, at how wrong and bad every single word that came out of her mouth was.


When it’s really just a list of two things they want to hit kids with?


And to hurt the kids who are different. Causing them pain for being queer is a big part of the intent


This is the heart of the matter. Hurting “the right people” is the core value of these asshats. And “the right people” are basically anyone who disagrees with them. On anything. Ever.


As this woman made explicitly clear.

Gods, the number of times I heard/read unhappy Trumpers complaining that Trump “wasn’t hurting the right people” during his time in office… just explicitly stated that way.


“30 to 40 years ago, children could have made fun of PoC classmates. Just 10 short years ago, my children could have made fun of gay classmates. What is happening to American society, if now my children cannot make fun of trans classmates?”


Her carefully thought out next sentence…

Me neither.


I heard/read a number of variants of that sentiment - that didn’t even vary that much, which was interesting. I wonder how many had read that quote, found that stating things so baldly resonated with them and consciously/unconsciously were repeating it…


Oh, don’t worry, they will always find another target. (Or more accurately their parents will direct them towards another target.)


“A lack of intelligence”, rightly opined far and wide — but there’s also the lack of *creativity", both which seem to go hand-in-hand in a dull mind: “The limited vision of noncreative people is not difficult to understand. Creativity frightens the unimaginative. They don’t know what’s happening. Things new and unexpected arise from creativity. This threatens things as they are. And (terrible thought) it undermines illusions of omnipotence.” Frank Herbert


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