Watch the creepy Blake Masters campaign ad where he plays with a silenced handgun

“Walther PPK … made in Germany … a lot of people pretend that having a silencer makes it easier to commit crimes. But in fact, a silencer is the most practical accessory you can get for your gun. With a silencer, you can take out your ex-girlfriend … or your wife and kids, whatever … without disturbing the neighbors. It’s called civility, folks. Unlike the Democrats, who are constantly getting in everyone’s business, I believe that what happens in a man’s home should stay in his home. If I want to put six rounds into my cow of an ex, there’s no reason that I should drag the whole neighborhood into it, spoil everyone’s evening, interfere with their dinner or their TV watching. That’s just rude. But with this little beauty, I can settle things once and for all while still being a good neighbor. That’s why … what? … Too dark? … Really? I thought it was kind of relatable. Makes me sound, I don’t know, human. Approachable … I mean, it’s something that a lot of our voters can connect with. No? OK, I’ll give it another try, but this time with less murder … here we go, take two … Walther PPK … made in Germany …”


You’ll also notice he didn’t show the target. How much do you want to bet none of his shots hit? So not only does he seem to be saying “I like guns” is his main/only qualification for office, but I suspect he’s not good with them (or with anything?)


“Made in Germany.”

Not the only thing made in Germany, ammaright?

Edit to pass a coke to @Fred_Cairns


Yeah, that was my guess. As a Thiel catamite / human blood bag, this person no doubt hangs out in the Bohemian Grove kidz club and fake Eyes Wide Shut parties, and thinks he’s a devious courtier wyrming his way into people’s subconscious minds. When he’s actually a less subtle and likable version of that “Project Veritas” guy.

Anyway who cares, we won’t be hearing from him again in his new role as Peter Thiel’s replacement liver and corneas.


Waddaya mean?! That fuckin’ lake had it comin’!


Randomly strewing lead around a wild area just seems irresponsible. Lead Bullet Risks for Wildlife & Humans - Pinnacles National Park (U.S. National Park Service).


“But how could fetishizing the gun used to kill Hitler be un-patriotic??”


That was a political ad? It was dumb and boring. It was dumb and boring for a gun video… And James Bond used a .32ACP, so he didn’t even get that right.

Also, Re: Made in Germany

Oh, like a ShamWoW! “You know Germans always make good stuff.”


“How could you not want that?”

I dunno. Maybe I don’t want to harm or kill people. And that’s what the original intent for manufacturing pistols was. :man_shrugging:


I’m surprised that he didn’t shoot at a photo of Mark Kelly. such restraint!


Beats the hell out of his last campaign video…

Pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t a Tokarev or a Makarov.


Out of curiosity, why? Are you law enforcement?


His reed-thin arms make him look like a teenage psychopath …

The body shaming wasn’t really needed IMO.


As cringeworthy as this ammosexual dweeb is, it’s more cringeworthy for the nation as a whole to comprehend that there are a significant number of frightened and insecure Americans --all of them Republicans or Libertarians or (for the intellectually dishonest conservatives) self-described “independent centrists” – he believes might find this ad compelling. If any of them find the ad objectionable, it will be on the basis of technical gunwankery rather than in acknowledgement of the deep dysfunction in American society that any ad featuring a candidate firing a weapon represents.

It’s just a weird and rather pathetic country amongst the OECD nations where citizens feel the need to carry firearms on a daily basis outside the context of a very narrow set of jobs.


Blake Masters: Silent But Deadly

(sounds like an Austin Powers reboot)


I see his car was made in Germany too. Why do those Republicans hate America?

I wasn’t prepared for just how weird that ad was. Bonkers.


Careful you don’t trigger him. Wouldn’t want him to break like the wind.


Well, I did clearly say, it’s almost entirely a Republican thing. I would say, my example is the exception that proves the rule. Whatever, obviously this is intended by candidates to prove their “cred” to right-wing voters, and this governor in Montana wanted to do that so he could win an election. Is that some big secret?

It’s a deep inability of a party to convey or have coherent and developed ideas. Guns in this context are not showing power, but actually are showing powerlessness. To take it all the way back to the Walther and Germany here, Hitler himself was never photographed carrying or using a gun. He just wasn’t into guns at all. Obviously he personally owned a gun or two but he had no interest in them apparently. He was into real power, and he had it for a time. Same with Stalin, btw. In contrast, when Yasser Arafat showed up at the UN with a gun strapped on, it’s not because he was powerful, but because he was powerless.