Watch the "Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults" VHS from 1994

Originally published at: Watch the "Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults" VHS from 1994 | Boing Boing



At 7:08, the guest speaker talks about two communities that use the park he’s showing, one is the pagan/occultist community, and the other is the homosexual community, both of which go hand-in-hand, he says. This is so last century, or even before.


I have a first-hand satanic panic story. When I was 11 years old, my evangelical parents took me to church one evening and I was seated in front of a wheeled TV/VCR cart with a bunch of other children. We were shown Image of the Beast. Showing beheadings, it’s totally inappropriate for children. It claimed the new (at the time) technology known as “bar codes” were in fact the mark of the beast, and the government was going to force the people to get these marks on their hands or foreheads. Well, that mentally twisted movie-night helped make me the Buddhist I am today. Here it is in its entirety.


Law enforcement agencies were obviously not keen to enlist Pryor’s help, so he resorted to handing out a “Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults” videotape instead. In the video, as in his British Columbia presentation, he placed peculiar emphasis on the link between Paganism (Satanic crime) and homosexuality. This was not an accident. In June 1991, he told a church audience in Cameron Park, “My goal is to destroy Satanism, humanism, paganism, druidism and the practice of homosexuality in our lifetime.”

I would include many links to Pryor’s rackets, but this weird software says I am blocked from including? Just search under his name and satanism, it’s mostly '90s hits, except for a sad end in 2009 near Carson City, killed in traffic.


Well, both groups are pretty cool…maybe that’s what he meant?


It appears that he went to the grave unfulfilled.


Ha, maybe! But that’s giving him a pretty huge benefit of the doubt.

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Only watched the first few minutes so far, but already noticed that the images used to illustrate the introduction to the perverse, perturbing, disgusting and abnormal sexual behaviors of Satan worshipers were mostly illustrations of the inquisition, with a witch burning thrown for good measure - pretty much 100% carried out by Christians in the name of Christ.


I will HAVE to watch this later.

Does it have a playlist of good bands?


Best part of the satanic panic was easily the Dan Aykroyd/Tom Hanks classic Dragnet. And the associated City of Crime music video.

We like to dance in our goatskin pants around this ancient pyre.




Hey there, copper!
Mister crime-stopper,
What is wrong with what we’re doin’
We just wanna dance
In our Goat Skin Pants
Around this ancient ruin


My memory has betrayed me! I shall leave my shame here for the world to see. I can still totally nail the dance though.


In my days as a security officer I saw training videos which, though not dealing with Satanism (or homosexuality, for that matter), had a similar vibe.They were always out of date, awkward, amateurish, and seemingly sourced from somebody’s grandmother who learned it from someone’s uncle who saw it on evangelical TV. A memorable video about Terrorism seemed to be aimed at eco-terrorists, though the term wasn’t used,. The perps were hippies with suspicious stickers on their car (something about stopping animal cruelty). Plus they re-buckled their knickerbockers below their knees.

It was ever thus. a Dick Tracy Crimestopper tip from World War II advised us to look out for possible spies, who can be identified by their having a garlic odor.

And the car that killed him was driven by SATAN HIMSELF! Whoever has one of those Jack Chick Satan-Haw-Haw memes, please insert it here.




It doesn’t obviously logically follow, but it feels like gun nuts of the 80’s and 90’s are in good company with purveyors of these videos:


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If you’d like the TLDW version, you can watch the review here. Bonus: you get to learn about preventing bus accidents, and…and…how to make your Rem Lezar?


I remember as a kid in the 1990s, my parents warning me about how all those homosexual demon worshippers want to sell my soul.

Religion is damn close to mental illness, in my completely unhumble opinion.


The FBI spent the latter half of the 20th century ignoring domestic terrorists who kill people, in favor of attacking “domestic terrorists” who got in the way of illegal pipelines and logging.