Watch these Trump supporters agree that putting shock collars on Mexicans is a great idea

“I love the poorly educated!”


Perhaps they are just willfully ignorant…


Presumably, they all signed waivers to be on TV, so they’d just about have to have been, wouldn’t they? Unless they buried the TV waiver in some sort of fake focus group waiver beforehand, but that seems like the kind of thing their lawyers might frown upon.

And that’s kind of the real wtf, for me. Not that people would hold those views and react like that, but that they’d agree to publicize that on national TV. I’m always surprised that these sorts of bits, where random-guy-on-the-street is the butt of the joke, get any takers, but this feels worse somehow. Like it’s not really funny.

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Ignore this, the video didn’t come up when I replied. I will delete this later.

I absolutely believe that these are real people, actual Trump supporters, who are giving their honest opinion about utterly insane ideas that certainly sound plausible when said in a Trump voice.

I also believe that the video of these people was extremely highly edited to make it as outrageous as possible, trimming out all the “what? nooooo.” reactions and people walking out when they realized it was a prank. What was left was the dumbest of the dumb.


Actually, I wouldn’t mind a cartoon-like world…


[quote=“TheGreatParis, post:40, topic:83520, full:true”] Don’t shield yourself from unpleasant realities.


Not a chance.

I’m directly related to people like that; which is partly why I moved 3000 miles away.


Milgram might be relevant, given Trump’s status as an “authority figure.” But I really think Asch is a closer match in this group setting.


Like the one focus group guy said, Trump’s gonna get the best, very smart people to advise him and deal with making these crazy visionary ideas happen. Trump’s say-so is all the proof he needs.

And then the testimonial they got from her at the very end, my gawd.

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I knew a guy like you in college…I just kept letting him talk to see how far he would go and just how inflated his ego would get. He thought he was so clever at fooling people, he never did figure out that everyone knew he was full of shit and just didn’t tell him.


Is it just me, or is that imitation of Trump’s voice not very good?

I mean, I knew it wasn’t him before I started listening, so I had that advantage, but it just didn’t have that same quality that Trump’s actual voice had.

Not… shouty enough?


Yeah, all that’s why it’s hard for me to find this “funny.” Part of me says they deserve it, while another part says that’s somebody’s mom, or brother etc.

Yeah, anything’s possible with editing – and see my earlier comment about not noticing right away that it was two separate groups. Before I figured that out, I thought that the shaved-head guy and the younger guy next to him had left for some reason.



That’s it, no more flu shots for me!

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At the risk of swimming upstream or whatever… does this say more about focus groups and groupthink in general? Could the same be done with die-hard Hillary fans?

A close relative of mine recently insisted that HRC is the greatest presidential candidate in history. I bet if you attributed some crazy idea to Hillary that might seem roughly aligned with HRC’s other statements, she’d go along with it.

EDIT: But then I got through the whole video and holy schnikes.


You have a great point . . . . but I couldn’t make myself visit the Holocaust Museum in DC and I don’t think I’ll watch this video either. I think we can take as given that this (and worse!) happens, but I have to think of my blood pressure.


I don’t think it’s flu shots. I just got a flu shot a week ago, and it didn’t turn me into a Trump supporter.


Have you tried crossing the border?




Felt a little too much like a comedic parody rather than an straight impersonation.


Actors would be far too easily found out (even prank shows need to maintain their integrity).

Don’t underestimate the effect of editing and looking for suckers.

You just need to find some unusually gullible people then shoot half an hour of fairly reasonable ads to gain their trust and then a few crazy ones for the show.

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