Watch this jaw-droppingly wild local news coverage of anti-mask protest in Utah

Good gawd, the stupid is really getting out of hand.

Wonder if this would work: Ok, Americans, DO NOT report to reeducation camps for deprogramming.

honest question- do you think there is a case to be made for seeking refugee status from the US in any other country because of this behavior being normalized?

Anyone? I’m really quite serious. I do not want to live here anymore


Doubtful, but I did move my grandparents Irish birth certificates into my fire safe just in case.


i posted this in the other thread

mask wearing is higher than i would have thought in the us and has gone up the last couple of months. even in the utah area, something like 85% of people willing to wear masks. should be higher, of course, but the fact that it’s a movable number is good.


This is good and all, but let’s note that the gains in mask wearing coincided with 100k deaths.

It takes a certain level of ignorance to ignore the news out of China, then Italy, then New York City and still not wear a mask until deaths doubled from May to August.

I shudder to think what death toll it would take for the last 20%-30% that is still not wearing masks to finally come around.


Is “gotten” a baseball term?


This is actually brilliant. I’ll be stealing it often. And using it to try to get out of tickets. “Sorry officer, but I’m not an f’ing pedophile.”


A boinger posted a link to this podcast this week and it is fantastic and terrifying, piecing together the threads of how more violence could come to the USA. High production values, clear audio, good music as well as the cracking content. Worth a listen although dispiriting!

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Big Government makes us wear pants and the next thing you know we’re all in FEMA death camps!!!1

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One asks what the median level of intelligence is? For it is certain that half or more of the population has that or less. I failed intro stats at university … twice.

I think that you guys are going to need all the luck you can get when:

What? How?

According to the study of millennial and Gen Z adults aged between 18 and 39, almost half (48%) could not name a single concentration camp or ghetto established during the second world war.

Almost a quarter of respondents (23%) said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, or had been exaggerated, or they weren’t sure. One in eight (12%) said they had definitely not heard, or didn’t think they had heard, about the Holocaust.

More than half (56%) said they had seen Nazi symbols on their social media platforms and/or in their communities, and almost half (49%) had seen Holocaust denial or distortion posts on social media or elsewhere online.

Every one of these stats is horrifying, especially how normalised Nazi symbolism seems to be on American social media. But the 12% that didn’t even know what the Holocaust was… fucking hell. That’s more than one in ten people.


The exception that proves the rule?..

this could just as easily function as a trump 2020 campaign ad.


Only if she needs one. Till then, nobody gets any.

I blame the lizard men actually running this country!!! They want us to wear masks so we can’t breathe and are easier to catch!!! Yeah! It is my American right to FIGHT THE LIZARD MEN!

Good Christ, help us all…

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I’d counter that the lizard men have saturated the country with cameras and facial recognition to track us 24/7. Therefore they are against wide spread use of face masks that render all of that infrastructure useless. Anyone speaking against mask is spreading the lizard agenda.

The lizard men also would like a slightly hotter planet, because lizards. Notice that the anti-maskers also are doing everything they can to increase the earth temp. Coincidence I think not.



This is an important point. The media is doing a lot of giving these people their platform. I guess this is the “both sides” journalism training, but you have a responsibility to draw the line on that somewhere. When the weather person is giving their forecast, do you also cut to a flat earther to refute the report because he believes the clouds are projected on a dome? No, because that latter view is senseless rambling that does society no good to amplify.

Guess what Media, these people are no different. Their views are just as irrational and ridiculous as flat earthers, and should similarly be ignored or criticized so as not to make the world stupider. Stop uncritically giving them your platform. It’s killing hundreds of thousands of people.


From the punctuation I think he’s suggesting Dylan Moran add someone called Brian to his standup routine.


Just the last two days I could not ignore the thought that if for whatever miracle they agree to shut down the Youtube recommendation AI for 6 months as a pandemic measure (the recommendation engine that gets you deeper and deeper into a topic, but maybe leave on just subscriptions) they would see no more new recruits to the QAnon conspiracy, though maybe at this point it’s beyond critical mass.

I’ve seen American expats here in Korea fall prey to it. Who are they getting it from? Not their friends here locally. They’re getting it from Youtube.

Older Korean folks reportedly don’t get their news from TV or newspapers anymore, and they get the “news” from Youtube. Sound familiar? The last major COVID outbreak came from rallies held by conspiracy theorists ("President Moon made a secret pact to make the country communist and hand it over to North Korea!!)

Historians will look back at recommendation engines as the first major misapplication of AI that brought civilization down. I’m scared to think that this would be also the last.