Watch Trump refuse Pelosi's handshake and Pelosi rip up his speech at last night's State of the Union address

And besides, she tore up her copy, not all copies… Are they saying all copies have to be preserved? These goddamned people. Plus, I’ll bet anything she could sell that torn up copy for a hell of a lot more than the intact versions would go for. If anything, that proves through the laws of capitalism that she made the speech better.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I have run-ins with a Trumper who I am semi-friendly with – I try to avoid discussing politics with him because it’s so pointless, but I began making a list of all the various examples of hypocrisy in the GOP, as well as ridiculous myths they propagate. One of these days if we talk politics again I’m planning for a full on assault, and rattle off a long list of stuff he can’t easily dismiss or deny.

It probably won’t matter, but I’ll enjoy watching him squirm.


This also happened at the SOTU address…

They pulled him out for shouting a question about his dead child, his 14 year old daughter.


If you saw a meme this morning that had 82% of Independents approving of Trump’s speech last night, it was fake news.


Let me reassure you: Facebook and Twitter are NOT reality. Meme wars are not an indicator. A piece, but not the whole story.

I’m sure that @Nightflyer is aware that it’s not reality…


If you tell me where and when this verbal beatdown is going to occur, I will sneak up and punctuate it with something that’ll really get his attention.

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If you’re a TWIT, you must ACQUIT.

Thank you for your concern, but I do understand how memes work. :wink:

@Enter_Name_Here anticipated seeing Republicans attack Pelosi’s gesture; I confirmed that I’d already seen it happening, starting late last night. I do not agree with the memes… but they’re out there.


More likely he will smirk like Shkreli and say you are brain washed.

Of course, Trump base will applaud the no hand shake and focus on the disrepect of Pelosi, sadly enough.


Nobody thinks it’s a win. It’s just a nice and deserved fuck you to Trump. We need as many of these as we can get.


But shaking people’s hands during flu season is just asking for trouble.


Sadly, you should be used to it by now. Mind you, my sister is a conservative. Lives in Kansas, so, duh. Voted for Trump. But she taught second grade for years and saw her profession trampled by the Republicans. She retired early because of that. She aint stupid. Don’t think she even considers herself a Republican any more (definitely NOT a Democrat tho :slight_smile: ). But she now calls Trump “a train wreck”. That’s about as nasty as she can go.


I figured, but was playing it safe! :grin:

It doesn’t matter what they do or don’t do- the Republicans will just lie to score points if they want. That’s the thing people (looking at you, NPR) don’t seem to get about this new GOP. It doesn’t matter what you say. It doesn’t matter what you do. There is no strategy to trap them rhetorically into losing points with their base. That kind of politics is dead in America. When truth and the rules of the system have all lost meaning, it no longer matters that the other side will score points from what Pelosi did. If she hadn’t done that, they would just tell their base she’s a space alien and Down With Aliens would be the next Trump rally chant.


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