I’m with ya there Margaret!
OK, I’m happy to take over… ahem…
… throwing things uncontrollably, biting people, walking into the restaurant at Mar-a-Lagross without pants, calling Fox and Fiends and asking them if they’ve seen Melania…
He spoke like this all through his term, especially whenever he had read from a prepared speech - he slurred and mispronounced or read words that were not in the script. I would attribute it more to his very weak reading skills.
The pathetic remnants of the republican party would vote for him even if he shit his pants on stage and then smeared it all over his face. Senility and complete moral degeneracy are not disqualifiers for a republican presidential candidate, as long as he keeps being white racist, keeps flag waving, and keeps pretending to care about the uneducated dopes he uses as cannon fodder.
His brain is a room temperature bowl of oatmeal.
As a kid, before I’d ever heard it said aloud, I thought this guy:
Was pronounced Yose might Sam. But I was a kid, and not the president. No excuse. Fecking idiot.
As many commenters here point out, the Repubs will go full-on URSS and prop him up 'til he rots on stage, zombie-style.
Meanwhile, they should swap the elephant with a possum:
Ol’ Walt Kelly knew his stuff.
That’s another classic low-energy Trump speech. He grinds his way through some purple prose without understanding it, he stumbles over words and then he ad-libs a self-congratulatory aside repeating a word from the text that got him vaguely excited, and to cap it off he raises the pitch on one word to emphasise it.
every time I’m reminded that this thing (I will not speak or type its name, nor even suggest that it is of any phylum, class, order, genus, or species like my own) still exists, I find myself filled with a mixture of politically-aimed genocidal hatred, and mass-murderous fantasies that the FBI would be quite interested in. is that normal?
Not only normal, it should be much more normal.
I know that feeling:
Or will it be a quantum thing - we may be able to see this very small thing, but it will not be measurable, or we could find a very small measurement of some movement, but it will not be observable.
Many people are making fun of Trump’s droopy pants, but we refuse to sag to that level.
But his pants are on back-to-front!!! There was a video on Reddit of it a few minutes ago and now it has gone. But as he walked out from the podium it seemed clear. Look at the first pic in the post here - can anyone see a fly?
Meet the new cult leader, same as the old cult leader?
Maybe Snotty beamed him over from wherever Trump is living these days?
Looks like Pence was the one bringing the flies:
Seriously, though, while I don’t malign anyone getting a bit of levity from making fun of T’s pants, that is among the least of my reasons for hating him with a visceral hatred born of fear (for myself and others and the world) and disgust and exhaustion.
Back in the early days of biology when all living things were classified on the great chain of being, there were angels above the humans and various other beings below the elements. Very little of that scheme is still applicable, but res sub ignis still feels appropriate here.
I’m not a fan of oatmeal (at any temperature) but that’s a harsh comparison