Watch Trump's stunning decline in this low-energy speech

Considering how bad his manual dexterity was while he was still president (remember the two handed water glass) I suspect he’s just downgraded to elastic waist pull ups. I doubt he can work a fly anymore, and everyone knows he’s in diapers.


That is some ill fitting pants. Wow. Did he buy off the rack at Walmart?

As for low energy - is Don Jr not scoring him amphetamines anymore?


No president seems to leave office in the same mental and physical condition they entered in. I think this exemplifies how the stress of this office affects older people differently than younger people. Obama went grey; Trump went… removables.


If you cant remove it it’s not a removeable. It’s a fake removeable.

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Rather than judging based on a short clip, you can watch the entire speech at WATCH: Donald Trump's Speech from the GOP Convention in Greenville, North Carolina - YouTube (starting at ~3 hr 10 min) if you have the stomach for it.

Perhaps observers with clinical expertise can give a more informed opinion, but to me it is not obvious that he is dementing. He is spouting the same poisonous garbage now as he during four years in office, and as far as I can judge his verbal fluency seems similar to what it was (although perhaps there are ways to measure this for a more objective view). The ideas are not coherent, but they never were, and his supporters don’t care.


please please disappear faster…



No way in Hells am I gonna watch that video. I’ve had enough of him to last a multitude of lifetimes, & when I hear his voice, I want to fling a shoe at the offending emitter.
Unfortunately, live or dead, we will never be rid of this pustule, the same way we will never be rid of Holy St. Reagan; Jabba the Trump will be vernerated by his minions for eternity.
And having Quislings like Manchin aiding & abetting the Fascists doesn’t make me happy either.

I have reasons to be a Grumpy Old Man…

I have a nephew who does that for a living. Unlike me, the dude is a saint…


Stunning decline in this speech? More like stunning decline in the past 40 years.

Reminds me I haven’t checked in on tomjchicago for a while


Trump presidential library? Content: one book?

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Snopes says the pants thing was fake.

Don’t fall for misinformation. It’s just a blur tool and a troll on twitter :stuck_out_tongue: And fucking stop playing the ableism game. That’s what they’re doing to Biden, and it’s bullshit no matter who does it.


The speculation that his pants were on backwards was incorrect, but the odd-looking photos and video that led to such speculation were authentic.


If Trump does have dementia, it won’t stop at believing that he will be reinstated in August or whatever. One day he will simply start to think that he still is president, that Mar-a-Lago is the White House and that his personal staff are White House officials, etc. Perhaps he’ll even do it in public and it will be so blatant that his people can’t explain it away.

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Shakespeare made demotic seem so nobel in King Lear.

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The Trump phenomenon proves several things conclusively to me.

  1. Intelligent speech making is not required to be a political figure. Tapping into the fears and bigotry of enough people is all that is required.
  2. Shamelessness is an absolute requirement for political office, at least on the GOP side.
  3. Literacy and a grasp of history is not necessary to be the leader of the GOP. The majority of your followers know nothing of history or civics either.
  4. Consistency and logical are also unnecessary.
  5. Repeating the same 5 buzzwords is all that is required. Patriots, 2nd Amendment, Illegal job stealers, Freedom, Strength.
  6. Never, ever, admit that you have been or ever could be wrong, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Yeah, I live in New Jersey, and I overhead two Trump supporters talking to each other the other day, and one of them actually said, “Well New Jersey is a red state now, you know that, right? Because we went for Trump in the election.” No one has even questioned the results in New Jersey, and Biden got 57% of the vote, compared with Clinton’s 55% in 2016. Trump’s supporters are completely delusional at this point, but their numbers are still large enough that we cannot just ignore them. I would like to believe that when Trump dies, a lot of these people will go back to not voting and not caring about politics, but I don’t think we can count on that. And what really keeps me up at night is the possibility of someone like Trump, but smarter, coming along. I don’t think that person has appeared yet. Gaetz, Hawley, Cruz, MTG, and Boebert definitely don’t qualify, as they’re all either decidedly uncharismatic, dumber than Trump, or both, but that person is out there somewhere. And that’s who we need to be scared of.


I agree. I think there’s a good chance they’ll become even stronger true believers because of a new conspiracy about his death (Biden did it, or the deep state, or Hollywood liberals, etc.).


I’m imagining it will be a long hallway lined with screens playing his appearances at rallies and on Fox News on a loop, smart phone stations with his tweets highlighting the number of “likes,” all leading to a gift shop that sells his book and Maga gear.
I’ve been to a few presidential library museums and they’re usually really cool. I especially like seeing the cool gifts they got from other foreign leaders while in office. But I will not go to T’s ever.


Evil lives forever, it seems. It’s the only reason Cheetolini and Moscow Mitch aren’t six feet under by now.

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It will happen sooner or later, and it will come as quite a relief to humanity, but somebody will always come along to take up the torch. Men die, but ideas live forever…for better or for worse.

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