Watch Trump's terrifying speech to cops encouraging more police brutality


Key point. Trump is doing this, exactly. Found himself a safe venue and then went off script in order to pleasure himself in public. The guy is a heel. A classic, genuine, old-style heel. Scaramucci is a heel. I kind of hate when people go on about what monsters!! they are though. Monsters are big, by definition. These snot-nosed punks are small.


OK I can see that… besides which some monsters are sort of cool… Lets go with virus as a description of these vile sacs of cells.


Sometimes I think he’s going for the direct route. You know, with a shovel.


Like I have discussed with my local police department - if you refuse to submit to oversight by the people, then you are setting your department up to be just some randos with guns. Don’t come crying to us if that doesn’t go well for them.


So, uh, anyone else worried that his new chief of staff is a general? The only time this orange turd blossom (with deepest apologies to Karl Rove) was declared ‘presidential’ (gak) was when he wasted a few hundred million dollars worth of ordinance on an empty air field.

And, uh, is anyone concerned that North Korea might be able to hit the USA (Aleutian Islands? mb Hawaii?) with, what, one or two missiles? We’ve got thousands. Duh. Thermonuclear MIRVs. And THADD. Have they mastered re-entry? Can’t set off a nuke if it broke up over Kamchatka.


Well, I hope that video of Trump’s speech and the police cheering him on gets used as evidence in every police brutality case in that department for the next 20 years.

I keep having that fantasy, now. You’d think that if you were accused of multiple crimes, you’d not be too eager to suggest suspects should be brutalized, but of course he’s only thinking of brown suspects, not rich white guys.

They made him wrong. Now he really wants them dead.

The irony is, they obviously do tolerate roughing up of prisoners, as that department has been accused of beatings lately. As “apologies” go, it’s so bad it’s perverse.


China is nowhere NEAR the police state that the US is if you go by incarceration rates.


'Twas a joke about going through the Earth. But yeah, we fail in our own special ways.


A total, sudden loss of all TV and internet connectivity?


Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Here’s the thing: You’re targeting the wrong group. The question is “What will it take for white middle america to get off their asses to vote, protest, march, and take their country back?”
The answer: It happened. We’re living it.
The problem is that you’ve got a large group of people who are scared. They’re seeing “their” country becoming increasingly tan, less Christian, more gay/trans (at least openly), more weed friendly, and they’re pretty sure that this is not the America that their grandparents grew up in. Add to that that you’ve got the Republicans/TeaParty dicks saying whatever/fearmongering to gain political/economic power, and TA DAA!!!

You want to “take this country back”, you’ve got to somehow show middle america that the social changes that scare them are what “makes america great”, not some perverse reversion to an america (that never existed) where pussy grabbing, thug roughing up, etc… is awesome.

A great example is that while most “liberals” and really most of the world applauded the first US president who wasn’t white, it scared the living hell out of enough of the US to give Fox News enough material/support for ages, to breed some pretty mainstream (among certain groups) conspiracy stories involving a xenophobic belief about muslim communist Kenyans…, and enough support for shit headed politicians to secure their next election by trying to protect the general population from those oh so scary trans people who may be trying to crap in the same bathroom as me (oh noes!).


Hey, at least you can re-engineer some viruses to insert sequences of worthwhile DNA.

I’m pretty sure that none of these shitbags has ever injected any worthwhile DNA in their lifetimes.

Why are you so down on viruses?

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Dude, come to Washington. I just met my nextdoor neighbors for the first time in 10 years. On the one side we have a stay at home mom, and a dad who works for DARPA. The mom uses pot every day. The other side is a power couple who are both lawyers. They both use pot. One for seizures, the other for migraines. They’re all 100% open about it, because it’s just not a fucking big deal.

It’s not like pot is as dangerous as alcohol or prescription painkillers.

Seriously, I can bring a few prerolls or a pipe and my grinder full of flower to a party in lieu of BYOB. Except BYOB means “Bring your own Bong” more often than beer.


And I tell you, those demon weed users are a dickhair away from becoming homeless child raping (put punctuation wherever you want to fit whatever meaning you want) serial killers! I know because fox news told me so!

But yeah, I know people with DEA licenses to prescribe controlled drugs that are super functional regular pot users. The biggest risk? Getting a little overweight because munchies.

I’ve personally seen more lives f-ed up because of alcohol, but that’s legal eh?


Up here you gotta get carded twice to buy pot. Once at the door, and once when you’re at the POS. It’s ridiculous. But better than the cops ruining your life.


Fairly crass comments in light of this recent incident


Maybe to people with a high school locker room mentality. To everyone else it was just more evidence of how the movie Idiocracy is now our reality.


He is creating the fertile mix that can lead to dictatorship.

Have no doubt.

He is simply taking lessons from history on the ascendancy of various despots.

This is a destabilising and dangerous move. We’re going to see riots.

America - you really need to work very hard to get this twat out of office and into jail, quickly.