Watch Trump's terrifying speech to cops encouraging more police brutality

Looking for historical parallels the worry must be that on a previous occasion the aristocracy and the military thought they could contain the populist who had become Chancellor. One of the things Hitler did to cement power was to create sexual scandals around senior army officers so as to cow the officer class, and to give extensive powers to his special police force.
I simply don’t know whether this is just Dictator SOP 101 or whether someone like Bannon is simply reading the history and converting it into more relevant modern forms. But telling the police to be more violent, suddenly focussing on transsexuals in the military (I wonder who he plans to “out” or is silencing), and warning the Establishment that people like Priebus can be dispensed with all have parallels in the 1930s.
In 1st September 1939 W H Auden asks “What huge imago made a psychopathic god?” and I suspect that future historians will spend a lot of time analysing the factors in US society from Clinton on that made Trump possible. I won’t be around to read them, but in any case I don’t read Chinese.


It’s been a lousy week for Trump’s LGBT, black and latino supporters


I think the difference now (as far as the profanity goes) is that they will now print it.
I never use profanity (when using English), but have heard enough of it in military and civilian life that it does not shock me. It’s use is pretty ubiquitous, even as far back as Washington’s time.

If he can spend a week and only annoy three people, surely that’s an improvement?


This isn’t simply profanity though. It’s about as childish and tasteless and boorish as it gets. It’s like Stephen Colbert parodying someone working on the Trump administration, only more so.

It’s so stupid in fact, that the guy must be playing to what he imagines Trump’s base will like. And the scary thing is he’s probably right.

But either way I don’t think this should be dismissed as mere “profanity”. This is either a mindfuck or a symptom of a deeply childish person or both.


Even if Truml isn’t an agent of a foreign power- he’s doing their bidding.

A useful idiot.

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well now… virus’ aren’t cells.

Could we go with “fart in an elevator”?

Skunk in an elevator.

(Not really fair to skunks, which tend to mind their own business unless startled or threatened.)

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Rhode Islander here, with a medical MJ card. (But I grew up in Bellevue, WA!) We get the same drill here – flash it at the door, hand it over at checkout.

Still, they’ve worn me down. I’m over 60, and I’ve been scared about simple weed being illegal since I was 16. That’s a long time. At this point, I’m just happy I don’t have to worry about it any more.

But it’s a damn shame it took a couple cancer surgeries for it to happen (I’m fine) and the majority of the public is still waiting for the day the state will acknowledge they have the same right.


I condemn the statements of Donald Trump encouraging police officers to assault suspects. If the police can not maintain control and discipline I support the full replacement of officers with deputized citizens. We should start the process right now.


Apparently the International Association of Chiefs of Police wasn’t having it, despite the cheers from those present.

It’s the Boy Scout Jamboree all over again (but with more violence).


AND??? Seriously. How the ever-loving fuck does this matter? We are still in a situation where the President of the United States of America, a man who previously said “grab 'em by the pussy” now has a Communications Director who said, in a call to a reporter, that “I’m not trying to suck my own cock”. What the fuckety fucking difference does it make that it was, specifically, an example of noxious infighting or that the people here don’t particularly like the target?

Edited to add “or that the people here don’t particularly like the target” to the last question.


I am just saying that the profanity itself, while vulgar, is nothing new. I could absolutely see LBJ saying something similar.

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This motherfucker…

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I’m not seeing it, but whatever.

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On the record? To a reporter?


It’s not cherry picking, as the context is the same.

WHOOPSIE you appear to have taken a dump on the other commenters here. I’ve like totally never seen you derail a conversation about authority, here, that way before. Oh wait yes I have.

Please, you’ve said your peace. It’s not about you, LBJ, or us. Thanks.


Can you imagine Nixon who was on tape using the N word giving a public speech encouraging the police to beat up “thugs”? Or LBJ, someone famous for whipping his dick out in front of pretty much anybody at any time telling a reporter he would grab women by the pussy?


The point is, you didn’t.


“Law enforcement officers are trained to treat all individuals, whether they are a complainant, suspect, or defendant, with dignity and respect”.


Go on, pull my other one.