Watch Trump's terrifying speech to cops encouraging more police brutality

I’ll add though, I’m sure they are trained that way- and then promptly re-trained by their colleagues and lack of incentives.


At least that’s a better aspirational goal than “rough up the thugs.”


That was not really my intent, I was replying to another user. But you are right, and I should have stayed OT.

Please find a quotation from LBJ speaking to someone in an official capacity (a member of the media in this case) that even dimly compares to this quote.

You keep saying that all profanity is equal, but I say that’s nonsense. This is far more childish and crass than I’ve ever heard from any politician speaking on the record, especially the president or one of his staff.


The world owes Kathy Griffin an apology.


Well, remember that many more crimes in china have the potential for the death penalty, so…yeah. a lot of people just don’t stay in jail long enough to make a significant jump in the stats.

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China executes maybe 2-3 thousand people a year. A terrifyingly high number to be sure but still not enough to explain the discrepancy between our countries’ incarceration rates. There are 2.2 MILLION people in America’s State and Federal Prisons and that figure doesn’t even count local jails. And the US has a fraction of China’s population!


I thought it was closer to ten thousand plus, a year.

It’s hard to get reliable numbers given the nature of the regime, but even at ten thousand executions a year it would take 220 years to go through the number of people currently incarcerated in American State and Federal Prisons.


Yep, they are as bad as the Boy Scouts of America! :open_mouth:

Note to liberals that have trouble translating Trump’s words. When Trump says to ENFORCE the laws he doesn’t include himself. It’s unthinkable to him that the laws would apply to him.


Scary thing? IQs keep rising, generation after generation—insofar as IQs measure much, of course. Dysgenics is largely a myth.

We know more, we are cleverer, and we can do more and yet… here we are. I mean, if it was mass plague of stupidity at least it would be understandable.


To quote the vid I posted upthread:

“The danger is not the Jerry Springer trailer park fodder; it’s idiot affluence”.

For thousands of years, the privileged have been blaming their ills on the oppressed underclass. Almost without exception, this has been a reversal of the true problem.


VOTE?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Jesus, half the world is hoping for a civil war, and right quick. Christ, if we all have to wait for your ‘mid-term’ elections or whatever the hell, we’re all dead. :frowning:
[edited to add: voting doesn’t seem to be working very well anyway.]

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Estimates for Chinese executions aren’t high enough to make a difference compared to rates of incarceration. The US rate is somewhere in the 700 per 100,000-1,000 per 100,000 range China is somewhere in the 200 per 100,000 range. To get somewhere near the range of US incarcerations through executions would require China killing 6-7 million people each year. Some of the highest estimates are 10,000. Conventional estimates run closer to the 2-5 thousand range.


…and once when you’re at the POS.

Wow. You have to go see the president and show him your card to get hemp flowers?


I’m sorry that we’re not quite to the point of killing our political counterparts quite yet. I know that we’re a big disappointment to the rest of you. Maybe we need your help to get started. Do come here and show us how it’s done.

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“Why did you run?”
“Because the president told the police to beat people like me.”