Originally published at: Watch Ukraine's president perform Hava Nagila on piano "with his genitals" | Boing Boing
Trump: I need 11,780 votes
Zelensky: I need ammo
Since Reagan, there are a lot of things I haven’t liked about entertainment world celebrities making their way into politics. Zelensky is an exception, and this is part of the reason why.
Finally! A male member of the political class does some good for the world.
Seems to be the rare one who backs up his words (acting) with actual deeds. But I never forget he was an actor before he was a president and he’s using those skills every time he faces the camera. Serves him and his country well right now, because he needs every ounce of that he can bring to bear. Long after this war ends, we’ll remember “I don’t need a ride, I need ammunition,” win or lose. Putin and Trump would kill for that sort of press, but neither would ever dream of getting their hands dirty. They’d rather puff up their history with lies than do the ACTUAL hard work to earn respect.
Makes sense. The Russian invasion appears to be orchestrated by a similar pair. Pravda brewery may be on to something.
“A standing army is like a standing member. It’s an excellent assurance of domestic tranquility, but a dangerous temptation to foreign adventure.”
Eldrige Gerry, at the Constitutional Convention (1787)
Definitely EGOT material.
It’s not my type of entertainment, whether it’s a politician we like or not. But if he was really playing with his (type in a contender for the Bad Sex in Fiction Award), it would make staccato notes rather than sustained notes.
Definitely an accomplished pianist.
We’re good.
That’s nothing, have you seen the video of Putin directing the army with his buttocks?
Oh. That’s his face? My bad.
If only he could have the invading Russian army in stitches like he had that audience.
correction - Putin and Trump have killed for that kind of press.
Playing the piano like that? WOW! It must be hard.
Putin claiming ‘denazification’ is clearly bullshit. Ignoring the fact that that this type of right-wing extremism is actually a pretty big problem in Ukraine (and most of eastern Europe) or dismissing it because the country’s leader is Jewish is disingenuous, at best, though.
Now isn’t the right time to focus on this, as there are bigger issues in play, but come on… let’s not lose the plot.
Well, maybe we should focus on it at least insomuch as it’s making the crisis even worse for certain people…
I have no idea what they’re actually doing, but I think in principle you could overcome that by changing how the keys are weighted. Essentially modify a piano so that your penile weight is enough to hold down the key, and then either jump, get up on your toes, or use the pelvic floor muscles to lift yourself up to end a note.
Of course, then you’d have to either choose your group of pianists carefully, or else modify each section of the piano differently
No-one is ignoring or dismissing the problem of Ukrainian neo-Nazis like the Azov Battalion or Right Sector. The Ukrainian leaders’s religious background is brought up here to counter Putin’s BS claim that the country is controlled by fascists (who don’t like secular Jews and who also, as it happens, don’t like funny comedians).