Watch: Woman gets tackled by Secret Service for jaywalking with a megaphone

Originally published at: Watch: Woman gets tackled by Secret Service for jaywalking with a megaphone | Boing Boing


How to tell a protestor from a whack job with more than a megaphone is probably a difficult skill. Also given the number of shootings in the last month (week, day, year, decade) the presidential protection team is probably going “better safe than sorry”. Mind you, the stress levels only make it more likely that egregious miscalculations will be made.


She clearly wasn’t a threat and I’m tired to reading the words of bootlickers saying she should have just complied with the arrest when she wasn’t told she was under arrest. She had her neck and throat grabbed, she was dragged, and then violently thrown down face forward. There was no, “you’re under arrest.” There was no demand for her to put her hands behind her back or move out of the road. And this conduct won’t get an eyebrow lifted from a DA or a court, so it’s essentially legal brutality.


How does that old saying go?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will get me killed by law enforcement.”


So many ways this could have been handled better.

And if this had been a man, it probably would have been.

And if the SS {ahem} officer had been a woman, it very likely would have been.

Not. Cool.


Oh hell, if it had been one of those Truck Driver folks, no one would have done jack shit to them. Maybe walked over and asked them to move politely at most.


Is it normal for a cop’s gun to just fall out of the holster like that?


Performance anxiety.


Impossible to tell if she was actually unarmed before the fact, but all that for an empty motorcade? “Thrown down” is more “struggling suspect and officer trip over each other,” but at about 21 seconds in, there was a punch to the face that wasn’t exactly necessary.


Thing is, the motorcade will run right over someone if they stand in the way, looking even slightly like a threat.


The cop could easily have pulled both hands behind her back as soon as he grabbed her instead of the sloppy takedown. Poor training and obvious lack of practice.


What was she yelling through the bull horn? I couldn’t make it out. Not sure what they thought one woman against armored motorcade was going to do. :confused:

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Im curious if that has been documented as happening.

I remember during the Whistler Olympics the VPs motorcade (edit that was Biden. apparently they got in a car crash at one point too) tore through crowded streets downtown. It was genuinely frightening having unexpected cars blasting through a pedestrian filled area and making high speed turns though crosswalks. People were pissed but the cops said there wasnt anything they were allowed to do about it (being foreign agents and such). And my cell phone camera sucked in 2010…

Our (Canadian) government leaders transport is typically much less menacing. Contrasting seeing our leaders walking on the street and even the security (which was relatively friendly) when the PM came into my Office building. vs. the security theater, commuting and travel chaos I saw when the president passed through my Seattle neighbourhood (that was Obama days) was a striking contrast.


The Reddit posts said the protest was about the leaked Supreme Court ruling on killing Roe and Casey.


I was wondering about that, too! You can see about 30 seconds in it falls out onto the ground, and it takes them at least 10-12 seconds to pick it up, which might seem fast, but damn. If she’d actually been wanting to hurt someone, they just provided the weapon.
They’re so inept, poorly trained, and incompetent in general. Defund the police.


If a motorcade is empty, can it really be said to be “President Joe Biden’s” motorcade?


So fearless cops run to remove the threat of a women with a megaphone yet piddle fart around when an active shooter butcher little kids. Gosh, policemen sure do funny things when they’re sure they won’t get hurt.


I’m sorry, but as a far left, cop disliking person who thinks the Secret Service shouldn’t even exist, trying to pass that off as, “jaywalking,” is the kind of spin that’s made me not want to discuss politics with anyone, at all, ever anymore.


We just had the veneration of an old horse-drawn coach containing nothing but a hologram, so…


Looks like pedestrians typically have the right of way in LA, especially in a crosswalk. Now, I can’t see the traffic lights clearly, but then I can’t see emergency lights either.

So, probably not actually jaywalking.

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