"We live in a depraved culture" — MAGA Mike Johnson says LGBTQ teens are triggering his god

I wonder which additional Gods would he be interested in bringing on board? Anubis? Odin? Quetzalcoatl? Maybe it’s time for a Cthulhu comeback.


How about FSM? I like the idea of more pasta in our lives!


Say “yes” to beer volcanoes in the afterlife! Ramen!


Used to do it all the time in the Old Testament.

Jehovah was forever popping up on mountain tops to have a chinwag with prophets- sometimes even leaving some nice engraved stones as a memento; there were also occasions requiring setting the occasional bush on fire; manifesting as talking animals long before Disney made a business out of it; or even stopping the Sun and Moon which must have really upset the sundial industry.

And don’t even get me started on the Virgin Mary, there can’t have been a shepherd boy or girl in the world that don’t have an encounter with Jesus’s mum.

They both to have slackened off on this since people did some science and started carrying cameras. Best we get now is a leaky statue or oddly burned pieces of toast - I seriously doubt anyone could get a religion going from scratch based on such poor material.

I have a sneaking suspicion that sooner or later we’re going to find one or other of them - or indeed both - have been spending a good amount of time on porn sites.

I cannot wait…

He just uses his mistress’s computer.

Again, not the important part here… I really couldn’t care if he does cheat on his wife or watches porn… as long as it’s consenting adults, I don’t care. Yeah, he’s a hypocrite, but he’s a politician.

What DOES matter is that HE IS 2ND IN LINE TO THE PRESIDENCY. He’s a fascist extremist.

We should keep our eyes on the prize here, and not get distracted by this petty culture wars shit that they excel at.


L. Ron Hubbard has entered the chat. :wink:


which really only works when there’s one god. polytheism, rocking the boat since before adam was born. or, unearthed, or whatever.


Yeah, I used to be Xtian; I’m hip.

Funny how we never seem to hear directly from the Big Guy, ain’t it?


I think the usual practice was to pick a favourite to direct most sacrifices and prayers to, with maybe one or two of the more specialized deities for backup, depending on the circumstances.


I feel the same way about the way people are regarding tubervilles blatant attempt to make room for overtaking the military with extremists who will help them overthrow the country.

It’s well past time to stop normalizing these things.


I’m doing the reverse Pascal’s Wager. Your Heaven sounds like Hell. I’ll just carry on doing as I please, that way I’ll get some pleasure out of existence.


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