Weird, why was Campbell's Soup vice president Kelly Johnston tweeting racist #MigrantCaravan lies?

I wonder what the world would be like if the Trump administration would use NSA dossiers combined with organized crime connections to find leverage on people.


Yep, always sweat your vegetables.

Sometimes roast your bones, sometimes don’t


That’s about it.

Oh yeah, 2 to 8 hrs or so.

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I’d like to think most of us here are well aware of this already.

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Swanson? Like Tucker Carlson heir Swanson?

They bought into this one sooo fast.

I have an old acquaintance, a member of the Blackfoot nation who lives in North Dakota. It’s always struck me as bizarre that he supports Trump but it’s even crazier seeing the sheer amount of Soros conspiracy he’s been pushing this week.

Like my other friend said: “Because Soros, who knows how to win an election, knew that sending a horde of brown people to the border would make people less racist.“


Why does Campbell’s Soup have a “Vice President of Government Affairs?”

I saw it once and thought maybe it was some kind of sarcasm, but it seems to be the actual position?


DUH! It’s Kansas, obvs.


I would assume that he was a lobbyist.


DAMN, and I just bought 2 cans of cream of mushroom TODAY. Maybe feed it to the birds.

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That’s the problem. Soup’s easy but it takes time that a lot of people don’t have. Especially when they want soup.


Kind of. A department of government affairs monitors municipal, state, and federal regulations and court cases that may have an impact on the business. A VP of government affairs is generally the head of this department that speaks to upper management regarding these changes. There’s a chance they might do a little lobbying but more likely their insights are given to full time lobbyists.


Oh that sneaky and conniving George Soros, somebody better do something about him! /s


I guarantee that Campbells is very invested in school lunch programs, although to be fair, guessing school budgets are more in line with their generic lines.

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Not necessarily to get here, but I donate to RAICES, which is an immigration lawyer group in south Texas. They’ve been opening new offices and should be able to service the legal needs when they get here.

Apparently, though, the Mexican people are providing places to sleep, and food and so on along the way, simply out of charity.


Another anti-American asshat doesn’t want people to join Team USA. They don’t like America and want to see it fail.
The thing I don’t get is that everyone knows that Americans are immigrants (save or the native people of course) and it was immigration that made America a great nation. So how the hell can you make America great again without immigrants?

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So I’m guessing this asshole was behind the decision to discontinue their gazpacho.


By all accounts they came here too.

Ok, I think it’s fair to assume that this guy tweeted because he doesn’t want the caravan to come. And maybe he doesn’t want the caravan because he’s racist, although that’s not necessarily the case. But what about the tweet, in and of itself, is racist?

He’s blaming George Soros for it. It’s not even dog-whistle anti-Semitism.


Interesting. Guess I’m clueless. I assumed the racist characterization had to do with the central american emigrant part, rather than attributing it to a progressive organization that is funded by someone who happens to be of Jewish descent.