What did we get stuck in our rectums in 2019?

This reminded me of the Penacoli rumor In PA, but that was an entirely different animal. Typing that name into a search engine still automatically generates text about a story that dates back to the '80s.

I was running IT for a medical publishing company in London when that infamous site first launched. As everyone in the firm was learning about using the Internet (we were using e-mail in 1993, and web browsing as soon as Mosaic was available), the site was a smash hit. One of our production colleagues, who had a reputation as being a bit low-wattage, on seeing the post about a lightbulb insertion which broke on retreival, piped up with “Well, that’s never happened to me!” The mind boggles.


Yes and no. As @NukeML said it will have a negative effect on some people and as @Sqyntz alluded to it’ll inspire others. Add on top all the offended people that you just don’t want to deal with and it’s best that this sort of thing stay behind the scenes for the education and entertainment of staff.

Also, for the education and entertainment of the BBSphere - yes it is possible to accidentally swallow a pair of pliers. Mental illness really sucks.


Interesting that Penacoli worked in Jacksonville, where my cuz worked and was caught in 1985. He, too was rumored to have the gerbil; another relative who worked for a hospital unearthed the ER report long after the event. Penacoli must have believed that he could hide behind McCollister’s misdeed.

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Sure, but there’s a whole lot of curious 15-year-olds out there who can’t afford a $100 silicone dragon dick and can’t exactly have adult toys shipped to their parent’s house, which is how we get a whole lot of cucumbers and action figures in inappropriate places.

Heck, there’s likely a whole lot of curious 40 year olds who can’t afford a $100 dragon toy, either.


Or who simply fancy a lightbulb or coathanger up their ass.
I would not assume they didn’t know what they were doing or couldn’t afford a sextoy.
The sensation might come from the object and not the penetration alone.

The Religion Of The Internet will surely agree that such a thing is possible. Their high priests will stir up and summon shitstorms. And their mare will be pale, and it’s laughing breath will sound like KEK, and in their wake there will be a great following of people greeting each other with up-theirs gestures. And the trumpet will sound like the fanfare of millions of SUV and pickup truck, and the old will lead the charge crunching the bones of the young, the poor, and those of different colours.

Or, there will be nothing like this and the result of 2020 will speak for itself.

2019 might feel like a proctoscopy, but at least it’s MY proctoscopy. Please, would you all try to make 2020 a year that feels at least like a nice butt plug? To paraphrase Eco, ma gavte la nata might be an option then.


At this point the embarrassment should be less over anal insertions of things, but the fact that one pushed the object in until the grip on the object was lost, in fact pushed it in far enough for the very ends of the fingertips to lose all contact, then got all surprised when the object became irretrievable. Having a kink needs no excuses or apologies, but that’s just flat-out being dumb.
“I was enjoying some anal self-stimulation, as many do, when I stupidly just kept pushing without keeping a hold on the thing” should be the source of embarrassment, not “Oh noes, people will know I’ve discovered my ass.”


I got no problems with people wanting things there for whatever reason they want things there… but razor blades? NO. JUST NO.


The anal sphincter muscle is pretty strong. For smooth, rounded items (think lightbulbs for example) once the widest part has been pushed through the sphincter muscle will begin to close around the narrow end and pull the object in. No further pushing required. This is why anal toys require a means to extract said object. The threads on a bulb are not a sufficient grip.

I am not saying that inserting lightbulbs is in any way smart. Now was I the party involved.


As my sex educator friends like to say, “Without a base, without a trace.”







Well first off not sure if the evidence supports it’s mainly poor kids. But, OK, yes, not everyone wants to or can spend a lot on a sexy toy. But, there are much, much cheaper things out there and they sell them online. And you don’t need them shipped. You’re local Spencer’s Gifts - go in for the Sponge Bob weed hat, stay for the sex toys in back. (Hell, I remember our first time, it was in this very conservative town, this magazine store ran by little old ladies who had an adult section in the back.)

I was just giving an example of the exotic that must not be so exotic because I saw ANOTHER BD sticker on the way to my parents this weekend.

I’m just saying play and experiment, but just do a little research and do it safely.

ETA - I can give a cautionary tale for ladies out there (and guys), those metal hand exercise balls are NOT the same as Ben Wa balls. Do not use them as such. You’re welcome.

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That’s kind of amazing, actually. I’ve only seen one or two BD stickers out in the wild, and usually paired with a license plate that says YIFF or something. Glad they’re doing well and that a lot of people like to add variety to their time in the bedroom.


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