What, me Coronavirus worry? Spring Breakers refuse to quit partying in Miami

That’s brilliant… thanks for sharing.

We must protect Mel Brooks at all costs!!!

Mainly, because it’s selfish, because maybe not all of us want our older relatives to die so some teens can get their rocks off? It’s not fair to act as if actions have no consequences when they most certainly do.

I don’t want us to wreck the economy, because it ruins lives for millions of people. The Great Depression seems far off and a blip, but it was grinding poverty for years for many people. It shortened lives and made people homeless and miserable. That’s the entire reason why so many people supported FDR through 4 elections! Because he DID something to alleviate the misery that people were experiencing thanks to a few assholes wrecking the economy. WE are not wrecking the economy, the fortune 500 is, Trump is, the right wing libertarians are, all so they can amass and hoard more wealth. The best economy the US ever had, that lifted the most people out of poverty, that gave us some of the most cutting edge technologies, that literally put a man on the moon, was an economy with high taxes, a government that was willing to impose regulations, an active and included labor movement, and corporations that saw themselves as citizens with responsibilities to their employees. If you want to point your finger at who is wrecking the economy, it has little to do with coronavirus, and more to do with racists aligning with libertarians to scare working class white people that people of color are now sharing in that abundance, who used their fear and ignorance to deregulate and bring us nearly completely back to the pre-New Deal era, where corporations could do nearly as they pleased. If we had a more robust government, better regulation, and people with protections from disasters, THIS WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING. There is NO such thing as a natural disaster, only failures by government to support their citizens during natural disasters.