Whatcha Watchin’ (Season 3)

One of the cheesiest movies ever! A family favorite here. P.S. Night of the Lepus was released in theaters. I saw it in the 70s. No, not the horses!

An even worse one was the Attack of the Killer Shrews. The “shrews” were big dogs with carpet remanment laid over them. One of the best scenes where the shrews attack and kill a main character, the dogs are all having a blast and wagging their tails as the actor screams and thrashes.

I love it! This is something I need to see. Sounds like a great double feature with Lepus.

Fall of The House of Usher dropped on Netflix today. Although the movie scared the crap out of me as a kid, I can’t wait to watch the series.

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I’ve really loved everything Mike Flannagan has done with Netflix… The Bent Neck Lady still terrifies me!

the haunting of hill house ghost GIF by NETFLIX


I mentioned it being the 30th anniversary of Demolition Man and Pussycat said she’d never seen it. So I hopped on my, ahem, usual content provider site :pirate_flag: and downloaded it.

All was fine until the dinner scene - at Pizza Hut! They kept saying “Pizza Hut” in dubbed in voices, and the Pizza Hut logo was superimposed over the obvious Taco Bell food. What. The. Hell. Don’t Ministry of Truth me who won the franchise wars, I was there! It was Taco fucking Bell!

Apparently the idiots at PepsiCo changed it to Pizza Hut for the European markets. :woman_shrugging:


Waynes World Movie GIF


I might have to give this show a try.


The new Doctor Who theme.


doctor who television GIF by BBC America


Ponyo becomes a teenager and lives new adventures. OK, that’s not the synopsis of this Japanese cartoon, but it could be. Just like Studio Ghibli’s cartoon, this production from Studio Saru is a little long and has a broken rhythm, like a car that has been filled with adulterated fuel. Despite this, it is a beautiful cartoon, with a distinctive style, charming, colorful and very beautiful look. It’s worth watching.


Interesting. When this film was released here in Brazil, we didn’t have Taco Bell and many other American franchises. But they still kept that name.

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For anyone who enjoyed Loki season 1, season 2 is great so far. Ke Huy Quan is amazing. Super weird and quirky character. Perfect casting there. The show is orders of magnitude better than Secret Invasion, not that that’s a very high bar.


“Oh, hello. Nice to meet you. We’re all going to die.”


I just had a thought. Ouroboros is the TVA’s tech guy, apparently. And the TVA agents are all variants who have been pulled out of various time lines and had their memories wiped. What if Ouroboros is Data from the Goonies grown up?

As a lifelong Poe fan, I give this two thumbs up. It weaves elements of just about all of Poe’s stories into the tale of the Usher family’s downfall while incorporating biting parallels to the Sackler family and (at times hamfisted) statements about consumer culture and other modern elements, bringing Poe’s work into the 21st century while maintaining the melancholy that colored so much of the Romanticist movement.

It’s not quite as perfect as The Haunting of Hill House or Midnight Mass, but it’s satisfying throughout. Be warned: it’s gorier than most of Flanagan’s other work.


It’s shit. Again. Triumphalist orchestral mush. Bombastic bollocks. The trilling woodwinds were a particular low point in a pointlessly over orchestrated pablum. No amount of conductor self back slapping “energy” is going to overcome the simple fact that string heavy orchestral mush like that has sounded retro for a whole century now.

Sounding retro is the point, though.

It’s a shit point. I thought “jaunty” was what that theme was going for though.

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