Whatcha Watchin’ (Season 3)

Do you like Nimona? So, take more Nimona. Free digital artbook.


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X-Men: The Last Stand will never again be on the docket for most people, but there’s a revelation at the end of this article that makes the movie and its production even more infuriating:

He had a lot to say about his time in the X-Men universe, including one of the major reasons he decided to walk away from the job.

“I went into one of the executives’ office and I saw an X3 script, and I immediately knew it was a lot fatter. I was like, ‘What the hell is this draft?’ He went, ‘Don’t worry about it,’ and I’m like, ‘No, no. I’m the director. I’m worrying about this draft,‘” he recalled. “He wouldn’t tell me, so I grabbed it literally — it was like a crazy moment — opened the first page, and it said, ‘Africa. Storm. Kids dying of no water. She creates a thunderstorm and saves all these children.’”

Vaughn admitted he found it a “pretty cool idea,” but once he learned what was going to happen to the script, his relationship to the project soured. “[I went,] ‘What is this?’ [They said,] ‘Oh, it’s Halle Berry’s script. I went, ‘OK, because she hasn’t signed up yet.’ ‘But this is what she wants it to be, and once she signs up, we’ll throw it in the bin,'” the director said, recounting the executive’s response. “I was like, ‘Wow, you’re going to do that to an Oscar-winning actress who plays Storm? I’m out of here.’ So I quit at that point.”

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… during a normal year we would see a show like this on PBS (it is very slow and much of it is in foreign languages) but with the strikes The CW has to take what it can get

It’s not very good to be honest.

Plus rent seeking from the children of long dead people is not something I can get behind. When the best he can say of the offer he made to the BBC is “my lawyer said it wasn’t completely crazy, as a starting counter offer to try and drag some extra cash out of them but never on the table in a real negotiation” (or words to that effect) you know he’s not really in the right frame of mind.

And obviously having a feud in aLLCAPS on Twitter with the BBC and trying to get it sold to AN ENEMY of the BBC shows that he’s simply a dick.

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I recommend The Cry, which is about a twisted triangle and a lost baby. I guess that doesn’t sound great, but I thought it was awesome.

The Cry is a brilliant, gobsmacking drama – and a must-watch

Premiering in Australia on the ABC on Sunday night, when it will be streaming in full, the four-part series could be one of the TV events of the year



Jenna Coleman :heart_eyes: I’m in!

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Well, I guess there’s always pirate streaming…

Comedy Yes GIF by Run The Burbs

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yeah, the dude is some kind of right wing anti-vaxxer, too…

I mean, it is what it is? Early Doctor Who was often a low-budget mess, especially in the later episodes where Hartnell’s really having a hard time keep up with the demands of the shooting schedule. You could tell he was ready to go when he got to the end of his run.

I have it on DVD.


Looking forward to this!


Golden Kamuy´s new trailer.

If you liked Dark and The Devil’s Hour, here’s a new limited series that’s sure to hit the spot.


YES!!! only two more eps to go for the mumand me. the setup was so well done, we were totally hooked from the first ep!
10/10 (unless it completely falls apart at the end).


Is it my imagination, or does it feel like they’re using the same set as the precinct in Gotham?

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I decided not to go out of my way to introduce my kid to horror movies this year. There’s too much vetting involved. So we’ve been enjoying Halloweentime movies instead. Like Halloweentown, Hocus Pocus 2, Haunted Mansion (the new one, which isn’t bad but also seems to be lacking something), The Muppets Haunted Mansion, Halloween is Grinch Night, and Little Shop of Horrors. She claimed early on that LSoH was “unappealing,” but she sat through the whole thing and danced a little to some of the songs. It might take a couple more viewings throughout the year before she can admit to liking it.


I’m too old to remember the 80s, but I know many of you do. Not too horrifying.


Confused Threes Company GIF by MOODMAN




The first two movies in the Ginger Snaps series (I can’t vouch for the third yet) are surprisingly good. The first is essentially Teen Wolf meets Jennifer’s Body with sisters inspired by Harold from Harold and Maude. The second one I can only superficially liken to Girl, Interrupted but have to think a bit more about what else it reminds me of. What makes it impressive is how unpredictable some of its decisions are and where the movie goes. (And Tatiana Maslany is great in it.) Neither are particularly horrific horror films, but there’s a little body horror if you’re into that.

looks like The Doctor will be back on the 25th of November (and on Disney plus everywhere else presumably)