Whatcha Watchin’ (Season 3)

I agree; the whole “I prepared for years only to die anyway” trope is annoying.

Also the scene at the end in the final confrontation where the 60 year old out of shape killer walks against centripetal force is completely unbelievable.

It was a fun movie, overall; but the plot holes were huge craters.


:rage: We :rage: must :rage: agree to :rage: disagree. :rage:

Just kidding. :hugs:

Yes, the gore factor has been increasing steadily over the past decade or so. Bodies is far from the worst example.

… I agree that you are wrong :crazy_face:


Oh I’m aware, just sayin that even the relatively normal/normalized blood and guts in Bodies is beyond the pale for me.

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The crazy face says it all.

“I prepared for years and shot the serial killer.”
The End. :wink:

That’s the reason I believe time travel is impossible—plot holes seem to be unavoidable. The movie was fun, though.


Oh, Larry, Larry, quite needlessly Contrary; how does thy garden grow?

What movie did you watch, yo?

Cuz ol’ girl still got wacked, despite everything else. (That the killer(s) were unrealistically hard to kill or even stop is beside the point.)

That’s the only thing that matters at the end; who’s alive and who’s dead.


And at the end the mother is alive thanks to the miracle of Hollywood time travel, and they live happily ever after, just like Sleeping Beauty.

That’s not the actual point of contention though. That isn’t what PsiPhi was originally addressing.

You said it yourself, it’s a time travel movie.

Were it not for the retcon of the original timeline, the mom wouldn’t have survived the killer’s attack, despite all her preventative measures and years of training. In that reality, it all was for naught, because she STILL GOT KILLED, no matter how hard she fought back. (Maybe stop to consider how that hopeless scenario could be perceived from the female POV.) In fact one could argue that detail should have made that particular event a ‘fixed point.’


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I believe that Maplewood was sent to 1890, 1942 and 2023 (just like the dead guy) and then used some other, less evil means to ensure that she would still be sent back in time in 2053 so that she would not disappear from the past like the others. I also think that she was a true believer in KYAL, so perhaps she started her own cult. I would wager that it was just meant to be an ambiguous ending and I would be genuinely surprised if there are any plans for a second season.



This was shockingly, unexpectedly excellent in every way. At least the first episode. I’m not going to binge it but will probably watch an episode a night unless others get tired of it.

Highest recommendation!

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I want it to be just like the original game.

Legend Of Zelda Reaction GIF by Doctor Popular


It’s going to be tough to do when the protagonist can’t speak.


Like the original game but with the sounds of later games. Link doesn’t need to speak. Only grunt and scream.

And a starring role for someone else…

zelda hatred GIF

I’d be inclined to agree that Totally Killer isn’t to horrifying, but the disagreement this comment got gave me some food for thought. In most situations I tend to think of slasher films as horror-adjacent. Because in my mind horror films are about terrors beyond reality in some ways while slashers are full of jump scares and more grounded occurrences. But that is absolutely horrifying to many, especially the situations where someone just cannot gain control despite having every competence and edge. Helplessness is absolutely horrifying.

@PsiPhiGrrrl, without intending to do so, you changed my mind on horror.


Weirdly I never liked most of Armando Iannucci’s TV series but I love Shush! BBC is rerunning it.

This one is good too:

I’ve stared watching Scavengers Reign.

I’m only a few episodes in so far and found it fascinating so far. The planet they’re on is one of the most alien feeling planets I’ve seen in science fiction.