Whatcha Watchin’ (Season 3)

It was largely filmed in and around Melbourne, Australia, including one scene in a street behind the building where I worked. (We would peer down from the seventh floor and gawk at the stunt bike in the empty lot next door as they prepared for filming.) So if you know Melbourne you’ll recognise bits of Parkville, Southbank, and of course the Melbourne General Cemetery.

All meant to be standing in for Dallas, IIRC.

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… and it didn’t even occur to them to flip the time-lapse sunrise and sunset shots over so the earth would be rotating the right way :confused:

I saw it in the theatre at the insistence of my friend. It was really awful. We booed the film at the end. Unfortunately, it felt like Nicholas Cage was really trying in this one.

It all looked fine to me.


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… there is so much random carnage all over the place in the Marvel Universe

REPORTER: So was it an alien invasion?

COP: No, today it was demonic pyrokinesis

REPORTER: Great, now I gotta interview a priest


A seasonal classic :black_cat::

Black Cat GIF by Turner Classic Movies

Bell, Book and Candle


gettin witchy.

The other night I watched A Christmas Horror Story, a horror anthology of sorts in which each storyline is loosely connected. You’ve got a school that used to be an evil convent, a forest in which a family left it with their child somehow changed, a family on a drive being hunted by Krampus, Santa fighting off zombie elves, and William Shatner as a radio host working late and finding out he has to occasionally give updates on a rampage at the mall. The connections are subtle and unimportant for the most part, but it’s fun that it tries to create a little world.

It’s not the best film out there. I’ll say that the ending turned out to be better than expected. The movie was on my list because I’ve been proselytizing the movie Ginger Snaps since October, and people who worked on that worked on this one. It makes me want to look at more Canadian horror films.

It’s available for free on Tubi and Hoopla.

My attempts to program an alternative Xmas movie week were mostly unsuccessful.

Brazil (my personal fav) and Eyes Wide Shut were shot down on mention.

I started to show her Go but Pussycat said she didn’t like any of the characters and didn’t care what happened to them, so all I had left was The Ice Harvest - which is just brimming with Xmas cheer /s. I asked her why these much more horrible characters in this much darker movie were more interesting than the kids in Go.

“I like John Cusack.” Fair enough!

But Go is a fun Xmas comedy, if you haven’t seen it.


Two fine Christmas movies right there. In that spirit may I recommend some Christmas movies to the group?
The Apartment
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence

There’s definitely a Christmas party in Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy so I can add that too!

All excellent Christmas movies. I’ve got into a tradition of putting on an old movie the morning after my sister and her husband come round. This year we watched Baby Face which we loved. Previous installments have been Double Indemnity and the Maltese Falcon (Bogart, not the original pre code one which is almost exactly the same but isn’t actually good.)

On the screen in front of me while I decide what to watch is Winter Boy by Christophe Honoré, I’m betting it has a Christmas scene in it.

Just watched the trailer and yes, there is a Christmas dinner and there is snow so provisionally consider it added to the above list!


I haven’t seen either of these, but they are Christmas themed

Black Christmas is iconic as one of the earliest slasher films (and Canadian).

(Canadian but no Christmas content.)

Our regular Xmas rotation is Emmett Otter’s Jugband Christmas, Rare Exports, Hogfather, sometimes the muppets A Christmas Carol… this year, we’re including Fury Road…




Fury road - a new Nativity story. I’ll have to think about that one a little.


Rare Exports is the best Santa movie for sure. Fury Road is just the best movie, so why not? Don’t see the Xmas though.

The torrent site I use has a page of Xmas movies right now and one was The Apartment 1996 which I’d never seen so we watched that today.

I think they meant the 1960 Billy Wilder film! This one had no Xmas, but it did have a baby Vincent Cassel, Monica Bellucci and Romane Bohringer, so… :drooling_face:

Pussycat hated it: “It’s Midsummer Nights Dream but stupid!”


“Set in a post-apocalyptic desert wasteland where eggnog and fruitcake are scarce commodities…”


I was thinking of Immortan Joe as Herod, relentlessly pursuing the holy family symbolized by Furiosa, Max, and the pregnant wives. The three gifts of Gasoline, bullets and water. Needs work


Well, that’s cause it’s more for my daughter’s b-day, since that’s one of her all time favorite films, and she got to pick the movie tonight…


Season 3 GIF by Parks and Recreation

Why not!!!

charlize theron mine mmfr GIF

We also watched an episode of DS9 for her birthday… and this was the episode that we were on:



One of my traditional Christmas movies is;

“1183 A.D.: King Henry II’s three sons all want to inherit the throne, but he won’t commit to a choice. When he allows his imprisoned wife Eleanor of Aquitaine out for a Christmas visit, they all variously plot to force him into a decision.”

Delicious dialogue. Amazing cast.

