What's inside this mysterious safe dropped in a farmer's field?

It’s not the weirdest thing to happen to my county… not even in the top 10.

We had three middle schoolers plan a school shooting over Discord, a haunted mansion that was featured on a A&E show, an influencental Santa Claus school, a body of a person that was up on the roof of Walmart for several days, a series of political protests surrounding a squirrel hunting contest held by a fire department (which is something I talked about before in a BB post where several people in my area died from getting a prion disease from eating infected squirrel brains) and the first county GOP committee in the country to endorse Trump for president. Orleans Country is a hot mess and I honestly want to leave so bad. The rest of Western NY looks at it like the rest of the country looks at Florida.

Edit: the man on top of the walmart wasn’t homeless