White gunmen storm Michigan Capitol with assault-style rifles, lawmakers inside State House share disturbing video and photos

I meant the Nazis that rounded up Jews and Poles* and gassed or worked them to death by the trainload.

*(PS. until my previous version was flagged I did not know the term polack was a slur. Not many poles where I grew up. My appologies.)

Unarmed thankfully. I’d say they were given strict orders not to escalate. Damn good guys their in that statehouse. So are armed invasions of the state house an everyday thing in Michigan? I’ve never been.

I don’t think the “kill grandma” argument is going to shame those man-babies.



If grandma isn’t tough enough anymore to battle a virus, well then I guess that just means it’s time for her to meet her maker.


I doubt people that selfish have ever loved anyone.


“oxy”… that’s their family name I guess

Except for the fact that the ATF is hobbled from effective background checks and prevented from collecting gun ownership data.

Which is why it was such a big deal for Virginia to enact state level background checks. Given the state’s prior notoriously lax gun purchasing laws acting as a conduit for illegal “straw” purchases of guns. Which inevitably end up on city streets in places with far stricter gun control laws


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