Looks like you can add “job” to the three-letter-word list of things she’s lost.
Good news!
Rather broad brush to paint anyone sympathic for the dog to suggest they are 1. White and 2. Racists.
It’s broad to paint an individual that way, it’s not broad to note a trend for far more comments or concern for the animal than the other person in the encounter.
See also: acts of violence against women caused by “otherwise likeable” men.
Agreed. The police responded and en masse because she literally told them that a black man was threatening her life.
And the fact that the dog is getting more play than the fact that this woman attempted to murder-by-cop a black guy who dared tell her what to do is a bit upsetting.
Especially when what he was telling her to do was exactly what she should’ve been doing.
Did you hear the way her voice shifted to terrified mode as soon as she got a dispatcher on the line? Flop city.
But seriously, she knew what she was doing, and she knew he could have gotten killed.
I just had a really bad thought: what if she didn’t care that he got it on film because she was expecting the cops to show up and kill him?
It gets worse. Apparently that dog gets injured about once a month. I’m not saying she did it, but if she passively allowed it to happen, is it really that much better?
People think that not saying certain magic words takes away the racism, but it doesn’t do jack shit. She isn’t saying any magic words, but she’s strongly implying that she’s well aware of the white supremacist infrastructure we have set up and is more than willing to use it against a total stranger who is simply asking her to comply with the law.
Hell, “strongly implying”. Find her “apology” where she pretty much says exactly that.
Yes, and her former employer should also look into any interactions she’s ever had on the job with any kind of minorities, because she’s just opened them up to a class action suit.
That’s when you know you dun fucked up.
I’ve said it too many times: a white liberal becomes a fascist when challenged
Times weren’t hard and money wasn’t tight. She was a VP at a Fortune 500 company, basically just doing this because her ego was tweaked. That’s all it really takes.
Racism = prejudice + power.
What’s wrong with pointing that out? He was also a birder in a bike helmet. She felt completely unthreatened by him. Otherwise why would she have literally run over to him and gotten in his face?
I nearly laughed bitterly when she mentioned the bike helmet, then left it out the second time. More distinguishing, yes, but not at all scary. That’s why she omitted it intentionally.
I shudder to think how this would have played out if she were legitimately afraid of him.
What’s wrong is that it implies that her actions would have been more justified if he was an unattractive working class man without an expensive education.
Intersectionality; racism and classism.
Foxes and wolves.
He needs to update, now that it’s FIRED, not just put on leave.
Technically correct, but when Biden says the “officers” must be held responsible for their egregious actions, I don’t think he’s avoiding criticizing police.
Bringing a few recent threads together…