Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/07/25/why-did-trump-make-the-white.html
I am surprised it wasn’t more covered. Maybe the media is starting to learn the wisdom of ignoring the toddler and his demand for attention?
Yeah, I know. But it was a comforting thought for a moment.
His brain-substitute translated AOC as A-OK?
Because he’s a white supremacist? Or at the very least because Stephen Miller is one, and told Trump he needs to vice-signal to them to win re-election?
I don’t understand the question.
He must have been at a basketball game, celebrating a three-pointer. The video must be wrong because of Hillary Clinton or something. Why believe your eyes?
I doubt he knows exactly what it means, but I’m absolutely certain that his “meme guys” have showed him plenty of pictures of his Proud Boy followers doing the hand sign, and he knows it makes liberals freak out.
In the case of the “okay” gesture, the hoax was so successful the symbol became a popular driving trollies tactic on the part of right-leaning individuals, who would often post photos to social media of themselves posing while making the “okay” gesture.
Ironically, some white supremacists themselves soon also participated in such driving trollies tactics, lending an actual credence to those who labeled the driving trollies gesture as racist in nature.
What a funny coincidence, that right-leaning trollies and “white supremacists themselves” happened to have drastically overlapping interests, jokes, and takes on issues.
Trump has always flashed the ok sign when talking with hands. That is one of the reasons it was used in the original hoax meme.
It is entirely possible that now he knows about it, and is doing it on purpose.
I refuse to let white supremacists claim the OK symbol.
He’s a dipshit racist moron, but in this instance I think it’s just an “O.”
He’s not smart enough to be that subtle
I get the sense he’s been doing that all along. It’s just something he does.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s a dog-whistling, nazi-loving, racist, misogynist, fascist tyrant. Either he’s always been throwing it as a white-nationalist salute, or he’s not self-aware enough to notice it then.
Trump also adores dog-whistling things that he can easily deny. This was clearly the white-power symbol, but he can breezily just say that he’s always done that, and start accusing the questioner of racism, etc etc. Textbook 5th-grade bully tactics.
He already has, repeatedly, and it did.
can I point out something obvious
you aren’t going to find a single outrageous thing trump does that is going to be the breaking point that changes how people think, he quite literally could directly cause someone’s death and it will slide right off
if you point out to his base, continuously, repeatedly, that is he breaking his vows to them, there is a remote chance that might through
ie. no wall, women’s right to chose is still legal, etc.
I will say in this case it looked deliberate. So… now we have that.
The dude is an actor and has a million hand gestures Jesus fucking Christ, Slow news day I guess
I have a personal vested interest in this. My middle name is possibly “o.k.” The nurse thought my name on the birth certificate was weird, so she checked if it was spelled right. It was. So she wrote “o.k.” after my first name.
Got a funny enough name without becoming the equivalent of Mr. Betty Hitler Jocawitz!
And one of them is literally the White Power symbol used by white supremacists, which he made while talking about a congresswoman of color who he’s been making repeated racist comments about. So uh. Yeah.