Why I'm Voting For Gary Johnson And Why You Should Too

  • She supported civil unions and opposed gay marriage until 2013. Was she pretending to be anti gay marriage then to get votes, or is she pretending to be for gay marriage now to get votes?
  • She supported the Iraq War. Having supported this monstrosity of a war at any point in time for any reason is inexcusable IMO.
  • She supports hawkish foreign policy and increased surveillance.
  • She supported policies leading to the repeal of Glass-Steagall, allowing the banking institutions to basically gamble with our money. Supporting this and other policies led to the financial collapse and housing crisis of 2008. If that isn’t a big fuck you to the average person, I don’t know what is.
  • She’s in the pocket of Wall Street. I believe that not only will she not go after unscrupulous bankers, but she will bow and scrape to whatever they do and say.
  • She called young black men super predators. On tape. What the actual fuck was she thinking?

I could go on.

I’m not a Trump supporter, so I know Trump does all of this but like a million times worse. We’re talking about Clinton, not Trump. I need an argument for supporting Clinton besides “she’s not Trump”, or besides “she’ll give you half of what you want anyway” (assuming some rich person pays her to give me that half, and assuming I can row a rowboat with only one oar).

I know no candidate is perfect, and I shouldn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. However, she’s only good as a Republican candidate, but not as one who shares my values. There are candidates who do share my values, but apparently I shouldn’t vote for them because some people are still pissed off at Nader for something that happened 16 years ago and wasn’t even his fault.


I love that title. Black Guy Laughing on Boat. Totally devoid of context


If Clinton is a disease at least she’s a non-terminal one. She’s not markedly worse than any President in living memory (except maybe Carter) and we managed to get by and even make occasional, incremental social progress under each of them.

So let’s call Clinton herpes. Not great, occasional ugly flare-ups, but something we can learn to live with.

Trump is the Plague during the time before vaccines. Swift, deadly and capable of devastation that could last for untold generations.


What straw man? I’m describing two people who actually exist and a choice that doesn’t.

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Yes, actually. Bring back the Civil Rights Act.

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It’s less of a building and more of a cave with a bunch of steering wheels in it, like Mad Max: Fury Road, but with less Charlize Theron and more sugary snacks.


Johnson is a platitude dispenser. Ask some follow up questions on specifics and watch him crumble.

He was at least kinda cute that time when he mistook Aleppo for a brand of dog food.


My stated position this election season has been I’ll vote for any 3rd party candidate that hasn’t shit the bed. And yes, I reserve the right to decide if that stain is shit when it comes to my vote.


I vowed long ago to not vote for someone because their relative or spouse has the same name (politician or other). That’s not democracy, that’s aristocracy. A vote for them is a vote to stop voting. Any Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, and so on. Not gonna do it.

There was no need to vow to not vote for Hitler juniors. It’s sort of a given.


If you’re saying that Ms. Clinton has a vulva, and is therefore superior to candidates who don’t, I’m actually totally on board with that argument. I agree. But my candidate has one too.


Just one? Trump will get you so many vulvas that you will ask him to stop getting you vulvas because you’ve got too many vulvas!*

  • Trump 2016!

i guess what i meant was that i think that johnson will help give citizens an opportunity to take care of themselves without the government getting in their way all of the time.

Fleshlights don’t count.


I’m not so sure. This is anecdotal, but I know a number of disaffected Dems who are leaning toward Johnson out of a gigantic mistrust of Hillary (mainly because of her financial dealings). Looks to me like most Republicans are falling right in line for the Fascist Gun in the West …

Yes, I understand that’s the basic theory behind libertarianism. I even read all the way through one of those Ayn Rand books.

I just don’t think real life works that way. Somalia hasn’t had a functioning central government to get in anyone’s way since 1991 but that hasn’t exactly led to a new era of happiness and prosperity.


Don’t know whether to or


Vulvas are for poor people! My candidate will give you Cadillacs, and Ferraris, and Maseratis, and Bentleys! A Bentley in every elevator!*

*Trump/Romney 2020


But if Johnson and his ilk got their way, corporations would get in our way all the time instead (while also costing more). Oh wait, thanks to the burgeoning of that Complex that Eisenhower warned us about, they already do. . .


You have my deepest, sincerest sympathy. I hope at least it was The Fountainhead, that’s the least horribly written one.