Why this probiotic supplement claims to make testicles grow

Why do people want bigger balls? Just grow old! Mine are so large they bang against my thighs when I go downstairs in the buff. Why would anyone want that? What can I do to SHRINK 'em? #TMI?

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FWIW, I remember having a conversation with a woman I worked with, who expressed a preference for guys with large testicles. She thought it meant they would be more interested in sex. As a 20y/o man at the time, I couldn’t imagine that being a problem.
That wasn’t even in the top five of ‘interesting’ conversations I had in that job.

“Oh, what nice big testicles you have” said no one ever.


They ripped off Buster Gonad.



Convergent evolution.

Also, as a Brit, I have to say “bollocks”.

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There is a really excellent book about the making of The Big Lebowski with extensive interviews with the costume director (and other key personages). One thing I learned there was that, in order to age a male character through clothing, one should give them large prosthetic testicles. I already have the nose and am not looking forward.

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