William Barr, Nihilist: 'Everyone dies'



pretty much the motto of the baby boomers.

sounds you know like you know wisdom, you know.

They only care about who it helps, who benefits, whether my side benefits or the other side benefits, everything is gauged by politics.

Time and again we see that if a Trump person accuses some of something, they themselves are most guilty of it.

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Remember when the AG represented The People and wasn’t appointed as the president’s personal taxpayer funded attorney?


“Everyone dies…” Thanks for the clarity, Bill. Now, what can we do to help hasten you on your way?

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I think this is what genuinely many arguments boil down to to conservatives, that fuck it it doesn’t matter what we do to other people because we will be dead someday so why should we care at all. And while we’re at it, screw everyone else because reasons.

This mindset just boils down to pure malignant apathy, and complete disregard for the consequences of one’s actions as they affect anyone else.

Some people might classify this as pure sociopathy. I know I do


‘Everyone dies’

Some of us sooner than others, Billy-boy.


What we have here, in Barr and Trump and who knows how many other rich and powerful people, is a “democratic” oligarchy of elites who no longer consider themselves an aristocracy, and who are completely hollow, without any interests beyond the accumulation of wealth and power. They have no shame, no sense of honor or tradition, no concern for legacy, no religious obligations, nothing internal to moderate them and keep them on even keel. Everything is for grabs if you can get away with it, and whoever dies with the most stuff, wins. It’s a mob rule of elites, with all the crass and base and low about the former combined with all the arrogance and high-handedness and greed of the latter.


A combination of ‘too early in the morning’ and ‘not enough coffee’ made me misread this as a quote from Raymond Burr.

They only care about who it helps, who benefits, whether my side benefits or the other side benefits, everything is gauged by politics.

“In our revolutionary court we are guided not by articles of the law and not by the degree of extenuating circumstances; in the tribunal we must proceed on the basis of considerations of expediency.”
Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko
Prosecutor General of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
As quoted in: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn / The Gulag Archipelago


I’m having another game of ‘Republican or Carlisle United manager’



Scalia’s "originalist’ argument drove me nuts. If we were still living in the world of the founder then there is no way someone named “Scalia” would be on the supreme court.


Everyone dies and I am not, you know, I don’t believe in the Homeric idea that you know, immortality comes by, you know, having odes sung about you over the centuries, you know? … one of the reasons that I ultimately was persuaded that I should take it on because I think at my stage in life, [criticism] really doesn’t make any difference.

A person who truly did not believe in legacy would not bother using his notoriety to publicly, retroactively justify his actions this way. He would do the shitty things he came to do, and walk away without apology or explanation.

This interview only makes sense if some part of him really is sensitive to the considerable and well-founded criticism he’s been the focus of. If he knows that what he’s doing isn’t the right thing to do.

…nowadays, people don’t care about the merits and the substance … I say that’s antithetical to the way the department runs…

Is that so? What if we sought a few hundred second opinions?

It seems to you the gentleman doth protest too much?

I can see where you are coming from. The idea of saying you don’t care about your legacy as part of an attempt to secure a legacy as a person of principle seems like a thing someone would do.

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