Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/23/winona-and-keanu-gush-and-gigg.html
For the record, I hate wedding movies, but I’ll have my Dear Wife drag me to this one, no doubt.
which movies were they in together?
I turned up these:
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
A Scanner Darkly
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee
and now this one.
What happens when a habitually melancholy man gets into a serious relationship with another similar figure?
Let’s hope happiness and great movies.
(But seriously, click on that Sad Keanu link and make sure to read all the comments.)
hmm - not seen any of those
Speed, Edward Scissorhands, John Wick 2 (but not 1), and Reality Bites. Good to seem them working together again!
IMDB disagrees:
Speed had Sandra Bollock. Not Winona.
Edward Sissorhands had Johnny Depp. Not Keanu.
Reality Bites had Ethan Hawk. Not Keanu.
Winona is not in John Wick 2.
I’m pretty sure they weren’t in any of those together…
Or what @IronEdithKidd said. @timstellmach had the right list…
Of course, you could be making an elaborate joke…
Not that elaborate, but not a bad attempt.
johnny depp?
Bram Stoker’s Dracula is a must see for Gary Oldman’s performance.
I double-checked and I think IMDB might be missing some things. Ryder played the mean girl in Speed and the jilted bride in John Wick 2, and Reeves played the detective in Scissorhands and hotshot pilot #2 in Reality Bites. I’m a bit of a movie buff.
you are jocking, right?!?
I’m a bit of a movie buff.
well…kinda…with an emphasis on “a bit”…
and my “like” was truly an accident
Awww, she stole shoplifted his heart.
Maybe it is my age, but I can’t tell the difference between Rider, Natalie Portman, and Keira Knightley. And I was gobsmacked to learn that none of them was that person playing Wonder Woman.
I was going to come in and say it’s great to see to same aged people dating in Hollywood but it turns out Winona is 7 years younger than him