This is unintentional self-parody. I wonder how many people laughed their way through the rest of their meal. I would. What a joke. Yeah, broccoli also screams when you rip it out of the ground. It’s just harder to project your inner emotional issues onto a green plant. If you want to live, it requires eating things that were once alive. Put away the crocodile years, you simpering fool.
With noisy and comical outrage? Leading to the hardcore group becoming smaller and correspondingly more hardcore and crazier?
I wonder what happened to this woman in her own life, that has caused her to have such out of whack priorities.
On the grand scale of social injustice, if you are this worked up about chickens, you probably don’t have great perspective on the various other injustices that exist in the world.
Sure, eating meat is ethically dubious, but it is no where near as dubious, as systematic racism, endemic misogyny, modern day slavery/sex trafficking, the war on the poor, the war on drugs,etc. This list goes on but you get the point.
It’s hard to take such a person seriously.
But at least she’s not blaming autism on drinking milk.
I’m sixty-damn-two years old and I thought we’d ditched calling women “chicks” before I was thirty!
Isn’t it about time we did?
Easy. Vat grown meat would be “unnatural” and therefore evil to vegans. While the idea of not eating animal products and shunning modern food technology needn’t be linked in theory, in practice they are. Look at food marketed to vegetarians/vegans. You’ll see all sorts of labels saying that the food has no GMOs.
Up thread I mentioned Honey…
Here…read this screed. About Honey Exploiting the Bees. I mean really?
This is unintentionally hilarious, and promotes the idea that vegans are self-involved, over-emotional nutcases who project feelings and inner lives which do not exist onto animals they anthropomorphize. She is not an activist, she’s a grown woman with the ethical and emotional sophistication of a child who just had her favorite toy taken away.
The 1st amendment guarantees her right to free speech (in public mind you), it doesn’t legally require anyone to like what she is saying.
We got 3 eggs from our chickens today. They aren’t broody so they would have left them to rot. I think we did them a favor by making that omelet. It’s a win-win.
This is not in any way to discount the incredibly inhumane way some animals are treated in factory environments. It’s pretty bad and will make you cry.
You know, once you give a chicken a name, it’s pretty much family.
Nailed it. Self-indulgent sanctimony.
It really does seem like cathartic but ultimately futile behavior.
Yeah, but that’s selective breeding.
Modernist food technology is a bit of a hobby of mine. What you say about vegans shunning modern food technology is pretty wrong for most ‘casual’ vegans and products marketed to vegans.
Take quick trip to a Whole foods and take look Vegan Cheeses, Or even Morning Star Farms Vegan burgers, Or Sausages. There’s enough Modern Food technology and products and additives like Agar agar, binders, Tapioca Maltodexterin etc…to supply a space mission. The Vegan soy pellets used for making chili are great–I use them sometimes but I don’t fool myself to think they’re some back to nature product; they’re textured soy fake meat made in a lab.
While normally non-confrontational, if my meal was getting interrupted by this type of attention-seeking activity, I’d feel a strong urge to stand up next to her and start my own monologue about something equally inane like how the solar flares are disrupting the signals from my alien overlords and I can’t hear them anymore and don’t know whose commands to follow.
33 Posts in an hour. I mean, its a dumb protest and easy to tear apart, but my oh my do the Boingers love piling on vegans.
Maybe because we secretly agree with some of their concerns but would like them to just STFU and not helping the basic causes of Animal cruelty, and humane food processing.
Who’s piling on vegans? Most of the comments are saying that this woman makes vegans and/or activists look bad. You might as well accuse people of piling on short-haired people just because she happens to also have short hair.
I have a co-worker who is vegetarian (I know, that’s not the same as vegan) who is really very reasonable about it.
He doesn’t proselytize, his explanation (when asked) is completely personal and non-confrontational, he doesn’t whine about his limited menu selections at some of our (department’s) favorite restaurants, etc. etc.
He has moved me closer to vegetarianism than I have ever been in my life by his quiet example, not with stupid stunts.
Damn… fried eggs sounds really good right now… If I wasn’t so tired I’d head to IHOP after work.
Also, that woman needs help.
What I want to know is why she made the horrible ethical choice to sell her own daughters to a restaurant as food.
If you want a good cookbook. Look on ebay for a 70’s era Moosewood Cookbook.
The one before they purged some chicken and fish recipes.
Macrobiotic cooking also is good…but again the modern cookbooks are too extreme.
The early ones by George Ohsawa where rational. But the the movment became too extreme; to point nutritionist do not recommend a Macobiotic diet anymore.
It’s very hard to find an old Macrobiotic cookbook that incorporates the original philosophy.
The old books and philosophy was rational. Using Fish, Chicken and even bits of red meat. Dashi was a basic stock. The diet was based on the type of teeth humans have…more for grinding grains, and less for tearing meat.
The modern revisionist macrobiotic books ignore that…and are basically vegan books.