Woman accuses restaurant patrons of eating her "little girl"

So protected speech is only speech that is peaceful?

As Ben Affleck recently said: “Jesus.”

You mean doesn’t, right? But yes, I agree.

Good catch, I fixed it.

Yeah chickens are really easy to take care of. But don’t name them. We went through 4 this summer.

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My bologna has a first name. It’s still not getting in the will.


Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.

No, I don't think speech has to be "peaceful" to be protected.  As I declared quite clearly, my main problem is with her barging into a restaurant and shouting at the patrons.

She crossed the line delineating protected speech about the time she crossed the threshold of the restaurant's front door.

YMMV, and it obviously does.

  [1]: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Zechariah_Chafee

Must just be my imagination then.

There are a lot of posts, and a few mentions of “hardcore” vegans. I’m no longer vegetarian, but when I was my anecdotal experience was that as soon as anyone discovered it, a chorus of right thinking omnivores would set me straight about everything me and hardcore vegans were doing wrong. In that time I never encountered any hardcore vegans, and I haven’t since.

Anytime veganism comes up here, I get flashbacks.

He sounds like a very moderate vegetarian, not like the normal radical ones.

'twas ever thus…

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Even if we were in agreement that this form of speech was legally protected (we’re not, BTW) then that still wouldn’t mean she wasn’t being an asshole. The Westboro Baptist Church’s “GOD HATES F**S” signs are legally protected speech, but they’re still assholes.


I love that comment so much I want to have sex with it.


Yeah. So do a bunch of other plants. Trees can actually feel pain. Some flowers will react to danger. Harvesting root vegetables kills the plant. If you want to eat, something’s going to get hurt.

I’ve slaughtered chickens and pigs before. The pigs were almost enough to make me a vegetarian on the spot, but chickens… Chickens and turkeys are dumb enough that you actually kind of feel like you’re doing them a favor.

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You are The Wind Beneath My Wings.

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If they really wanted to spread their message to diners, you’d think they’d have chosen a venue a bit more crowded.


…walks into the room…
…pulls up a beat up metal folding chair, the kind that could tell many stories if only it could talk.
…stares at the crowd gathering strength, a slight sigh and…

“Hi, I’m Dorn. This is my first meeting and I am a human supremacist.”

Perhaps if you put it in a graphic format the message will be better received:

(All credit to Randall Munroe of XKCD)


Yup. I’m a meat eater myself, but a dear friend is a weird variety of vegetarian. She’ll eat meat, but only from wild game. Her logic: She’s seen firsthand how animals in meat production are raised/treated, and doesn’t want anything to do with it. However, her logic on wild game is “well, they were out in the wild having a good life, then BLAM! Meat.”. Hard for me to disagree with that.

Being around a non-whacko/reasonable and respectful of other’s choices vegetarian has made me much more respectful in turn of vegetarians in general. If I had to deal with whackjobs like this lady personally, I think I’d be tempted to eat veal constantly just out of spite (and yes, I’m a horrible person) [and no, I don’t eat veal in general because I do not like veal production methods].

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I’m with you on that one. Background: I’m a meat eating veterinarian, who has worked (briefly) in a slaughterhouse. Chickens meh, cattle meh, holy crap pigs are smart. I’m not even going to go into tooth and ear clipping, or anesthesia free neuters of piglets, but there’s so much about pig “husbandry” that I’m not ok with. I really try hard to stick to my guns and not consume bacon/pork/ham.

or possibly people, can’t rule that possibility out. : )

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The only reason I didn’t swear off pork was because of seeing feral pigs- They might be smart, but they’re also hella destructive and can (and will) take your hand off if they get a chance. Killing those things is self-defense.

The farm I was on, we used goats to clear brush, then let the pigs in to tear up the stumps, fertilize, and till the soil. The area was left to wild grass and chickens for a year, and next thing you know, we’ve got a freezer full of bacon, fresh eggs and milk, and a ready-made spot to plant vegetables. Everything was there to do double duty- once it stopped producing, it went in the pot.


If I was the Restaurant’s owner…I’d have a Tamora Chicken Pot Pie special the next day.

/unfortunately obscure…Titus Andronicus.