Woman displeased with service at Subway

Eh, I was just lamenting that I hear the occasional “it happened to me” racist drivel from people who I don’t despise, I don’t doubt that worse exists outside of Snopes.

I must add that when it comes to snow, regardless of how severe it is, it’s still best to exercise caution. I used to live in Las Vegas and on my way to a restaurant with my then gf we got snowed in. We lived at the bottom of a hill and all roads to go out had about 2-3 ft of snow and were iced over.

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What about the tens of thousands who work for Jimmy Johns? They can’t all be assholes.

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I’ve heard both of these stories, and both told to me as stories the person, or a person close to them had experienced. One was an elementary school teacher who said she had Oranjello and Lemonjello in her class, and the Le-a story from a O.B. resident who said another resident in her class delivered Le-a. :frowning: At the time of each telling I hadn’t heard of either, and had no idea of their history as racist tropes, and didn’t really think to question either, as they both really seemed to believe they experienced it… It’s a chilling reminder of how racist bullshit can somehow get twisted into “No, seriously, my friend was there!”


My friend I’ve known for dozens of years and oranjello “happened to her” as a nurse. I pointed out the Snopes article but it really did happen you see and are you calling her a lia… fuck people is what I’m trying to say.


Jimmy Johns can suck my dick.
If I had one.
A real one, I have a bob.
Battery Operated Boyfriend


Bad idea to speak to any food server this way. When she asked for mayonnaise you just KNOW they reached for the bottle secretly filled with whale semen kept on hand for just such an occasion.


I’ve heard of these, i suppose you can consider it an Urban Myth. But i’ve also heard of others, when i was going to college years ago a black girl i was in one of my classes was telling me about one of her friends had named her kids after booze. Courvoisier, and two others… i’ve since forgotten what they were. Also she told me about someone naming their kid Master because she wanted white folks to have to call the kid Master. This last one i’m fairly sure is not true but you never know.

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Which had an even better prank this past spring: The Weiner’s Circle sells a “Donald Trump footlong” which is 3" long.


My brother worked at a Subway in New Haven (probably one of the first), and he said they would grind up the old dried bread every week and use it to make the dough for the next day/week’s “fresh” bread. Anyone with baking experience know if this is feasible? It sounds. . . contrary to the laws of thermodynamics (for lack of a better description.)

Hey now.


I want to say that’s how sourdough is made, but it seems to me that using already baked bread would not work because the yeast would be killed by the baking process. I’m not a baker so i don’t know if reusing old bread to make more is a thing or not.

Subway: get fresh.


Ah something for me to look forward to. People rushing out to stock up due to the SNOW coming.

I grew up in the mountains in the Western US so I have experience driving in snow. I can usually handle what Nashville gets.

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Seems like when she starts making threats (to be there when he gets off shift, to call her husband to beat him up), that it’s time to call the cops. No?


Sourdough uses old dough that has a uniquely flavored living yeast culture, a kind of constantly renewing dough bank that gets added to and subtracted from – you always save some unbaked dough to make the next batch. I think in what I’m describing you would add new yeast to the pulverized crumbs to start over.

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I know, vertical video this day in age…SMDH.

White bread and lot of the other ingredients at fast food sandwich joints get broken down extremely rapidly in your stomach, even though the gluten tends to stop up the intestines. Because it doesn’t spend long in the stomach or take much hydrochloric acid to dissolve, it leaves the gastric juice with a low pH (acidic) ready for more food. At the same time, the genes that encourage storing fat start packing it away in anticipation of more carbs to process, so you get hungry again.


That’s what I thought too, but I’m white. I think calling in some cops to a predominantly black crowd in a restaurant is not something done much, if I was black. I would imagine.
Pro tip-if you see someone having a mental health emergency call an ambulance, not a cop. Cops are not trained for that, are usually jacked up on steroids and you will wake up dead.


Hm. I would imagine it’s feasible but i can’t imagine it tasting good or having an enjoyable texture. I tried googling reusing old bread to make more but was having trouble finding that exact scenario. Mostly shows other uses for old bread.

Now come on! That’s not fair! He likes some modern things. Like non-compete clauses in contracts.