Woman kicked out of mall for wearing Finding Nemo tank top and shorts

Having just read that, and didn’t realize until after I’d finished that it was written in the 80s, I confirm this.

I think that what @manybellsdown and @quorihunter said would probably apply. At the end of the day, at some point you have to let them make their own decision and have their own choices, and figure it out for themselves. That’s how they learn, yeah? You have to hope you’ve instilled in them a strong enough moral core to make good choices and you have to accept that they are not going to always make choices you approve of.

I’m more concerned that she understands that things like men cat calling aren’t HER fault, no matter how she’s dressed. And that her body is HERS and no one elses.


Because other people are assholes and leave their broken beer bottles everywhere.


Yes, you’ve got a severe case of white privilege-induced blindness.


I do eh? Thanks for telling me something about me that I didn’t know.

Meanwhile. I’ll be wait for you to highlight that text in her words that identifies race as the issue.

Could either you or @manybellsdown text my daughter to stop spending all her money on slime making materials please?

Only because I’m sick of finding bits of slime left all over the place.


Everyone, let’s get their facts straight before jumping to conclusions. It isn’t a Finding Nemo tank top, it’s a Finding Dory tank top.


Those zany Americans and their crazy Sharia laws…


Wait, I just saw a story on how that’s a thing now among teen girls (again, my kid seems out of the loop on this!).

Ah, here we go!

Sorry, but I have literally no power over teenage girls. We just lucked out on the geekiness of the one I have here at home! The good news is that it will probably stop being a trend soon enough and she’ll be on to other things. But hey, at least she’s making stuff, right? Brightside and all that?


Let them make the mistakes that aren’t going to permanently screw up their lives and try to prevent the mistakes that will. It’s a difficult line to draw, and I’m glad that I’m not a parent that has to draw it.


Perchance, are you Anglo-Saxon?

Obviously, you’re absolutely correct as far as your listing of America’s own historical evils, which I believe should have included anti-Semitism (unless you had that folded into “minorities’). But you have to understand that, for not just a few good reasons, Hitler has become the de facto ‘standard’ for evil and not just for the US. He has become a referential ‘convenience’ (a “one-size-fits-all”) for everything that is anti-humanity, and, as such, will continue to be compared against. I’m sure that there are people out there who might be offended by the continued use of a long gone German (however universally despised) as the standard of evil and take it personally. But, if it makes anyone feel any better, I have absolutely no problem with anyone anywhere and at any time using “Trump” – obviously (and unfortunately) an American – as their own standard of evil. In fact, on that basis, the comparisons fit:


its fishism. That’s what it is.


I think your argument is “I only go by what’s written”. Which is fine.

Die on the hill of, “Context doesn’t matter” by all means, but I don’t see why we must adhere to your personal rhetorical standard. Especially since we’re speculating and side-eye-ing and not saying definitively what is going on without all the information.


The slime thing i get, as i watch a few youtubers that have done videos on it. It’s a relatively easy and fun project to do, and well… messing around with slime is fun and you get to make it your own with glitter, dyes, etc. I haven’t tried making it myself because i’m a 33 yo single man lol, but i wouldn’t need much of an excuse to actually try it.


Oh she is a total dork, a product of her mom and I to be sure. And I love that she enjoys reading through $1 comics and picking out old issues to buy. I can get behind piles of comics lying around…stepping on bits of gooey slime, not so much.


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a hand-waving, unwittingly oblivious white person say, “If you don’t have 100% iron-clad proof it’s racism, then don’t talk about racism!”…


Ok. well there is the thing isn’t it? I do not want someone looking at my teenage black son and making assumptions about him; so I’d rather not make assumptions about others.

I feel that if there was racial motivation this young lady wouldn’t have left it out. That said just as you state you don’t need to adhere to my standards; I do not need to adhere to yours. I’ve said multiple ties to feel free to jump to conclusions. Being labeled as having white privilege or blind and ignoring some pertinent fact is just insulting me to prove your own point.

Like I have stated…if you feel the facts are that it is racially motivated; show me said evidence.

@milliefink I am not hand waving anything away, nor am I extrapolating anything into it either. By all means if you want to make assumptions about the situation based on the small amount of information presented, you are free to.

My kid literally just came in here to read a passage to me from Good Omens, so I’m not too worried about her!

I’d say that sometimes not letting them make mistakes can be worse for them later, when they make worse and more dangerous mistakes. You can’t protect them from everything, you just can’t and if you try, it can make matters worse.


I mean, mine buys herself $60 makeup and I can barely put eyeliner on. Definitely her own person.

And it’s kind of funny, because her clothing is either barely-there-skintight, or giant-men’s-sweater-from-the-thrift-store and very little in-between.


All I can say is “this too shall pass”! :wink: