In this case, squid ink flavor sounds appropriate…
Picking a favorite result from a Google Image Search for “Octopus Bicycle” was tough, but I persisted.
repeat after me “no selfies with wildlife”
All three pluralizations are acceptable, fight me.
Sometimes I’ve gotten side-eye from people near by when my daughter says “ooh! look at (random animal- squirrel or rabbit or hawk)” and I reply “oh, they are very pretty. But we never touch wild animals.”
It boggles me.
Are humans getting collectively stupider or is modern technology just allowing us to see more of the stupidity that has always been going on?
right, how can these vicious whale-haters even fish for salmon knowing that the puget sound orca doesn’t have enough food to eat? been lobbying the governor’s office for years to revoke fishing licenses for 2 years to let the populations come back…
Stupid is as stupid does.
There’s also Octopuns. I’m a sucker for a good joke…
I’m hoping for the latter, but with each passing day my optimism is fading.
Not arguing with the rest, but blue-ringed octopus off the Pacific shores of North America? Are you sure?
I am glad I finally switched to pamac, though.
I did a bunch of searches to see lists of the types of octopuses found in Washington State, and was very surprised to see frequent references to blue-ringed octopuses being found there.
What I didn’t realize is that Google secretly auto-replaces/equates the search term “Washington State” with “WA.” So, LOL, no, there aren’t actually any blue-ringed octopuses of any sorts found in Washington State, but there are blue-ringed octopuses to be found in Western Australia (“WA”).
So while all octopus are apparently venomous to some degree, she was lucky in that none in her area are of the “will kill you 20 times over” degree of venomous.
Fun fact: squid ink is mostly melanin, the pigment that determines skin color.
Not to mention blue-ringed octopuses are diminutive. By way of scale, here’s one being held by someone for whom the Darwin Award bell tolls
I had no idea they were so small! I’ve heard so much about how deadly they are, but had always assumed they were fairly large (like, at least several feet long including the tentacles). The added adorability factor makes them even scarier!