Woman reports a black man to the cops because his dog humped her dog at the park

Yeah, I’m wondering if this is the same guy in the video. I can’t tell from the youtube account because most of the other videos seem to be marketing some weight loss product.

They both seem to come from the Feb. 27th, so how did you get that the Yelp review came after the video?


Hey, c’mon, it’s winter in New England, that’s how shit looks around here now. I’m sure it’s nice and green in the summer, and I’ll bet the dogs don’t care either way.


I guess I’m wondering why they don’t have play equipment for the dogs. I’ve seen dogs who take an interest in climbing or in summer, play with water jets.


Probably money. From my experience cats like climbing and hiding in small spaces, dogs mostly like running around and sniffing each other’s butts, and maybe chewy play toys which owners would have to be responsible for themselves. I’ll bet they have a hose they bring out in summer.

Fact is, a lot of the dog parks around here look more or less like that, sometimes they don’t even have grass, just gravel (which makes it easier to see who pooped where.)


I had the video date wrong. The point is that it isn’t a regular occurrence, and the Yelp review is either the guy in the video or someone that saw it.

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OK, sure. I don’t know if a few Yelp reviews are enough to go on though. It’s certainly not a regular occurrence at most dog parks, but it might be a regular occurrence with her. The woman was being unreasonable either way.

I am hesitant to automatically ascribe racism to this without more context, even though it sure as hell looks racially motivated. We could later find out she’s an equal opportunity asshole, or there’s some other extenuating circumstance like her dog just had an operation or she was having a very bad day. I’m also leery of publicly shaming someone in a way that might turn them into an ally of conservative talk radio or Fox News.

I’m not defending her nor turning a blind eye to racism, just reserving judgment for now.

[ETA: I thought about this a lot last night. I don’t doubt the woman has unconscious prejudices. I think we all do. And it’s obvious that her actions had the effect of being racially charged even if she didn’t mean it that way or recognized it as it was happening. My immediate reaction to the word “racist” is the image of torch-wielding marchers in Charlottesville, but obviously there is a spectrum. I have caught myself doing or saying things I didn’t notice could have racist undertones. As of right now she hasn’t come forward to apologize or defend herself publicly yet, but I fear she will double down on “I was right, he was wrong, race has nothing to do with it” and nothing changes. There has to be a better way to address these kinds of incidents than public mockery if that’s the result.]

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Eeewwwwww lol

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Play equipment can be a problem sometimes if you get dogs who start resource guarding - dogs tend to think “everything in the world is mine” and it can be better if there’s nothing to fight over.

Dog parks pretty much suck. I gave up on them because there’s just a lot of randomness about who is going to show up and how well they pay attention to their dogs (i.e. the people chatting on their phone while their dog is being an asshole and the tension level among the dogs is rising).


Don’t most dog parks only permit neutered and spayed dogs? (That’s the rule for them here in Houston.) Not that people follow rules well, of course.

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