Woman tries out for title of Worst Karen on the planet

Emphasis mine, because that’s the lede that’s been buried.


In the vast majority of cases the harassed person wouldn’t find it worth their time or resources to drag the bigot to court even if they have a legal case. In this particular example, the target of the harassment would have to show “damages” which is tricky since he didn’t take any kind of financial loss and it’s hard to prove or quantify emotional distress.

The court system is a clunky, inelegant tool for this at best. Besides, it’s not like she looks like the kind of person who would make a rational decision to reign in her behavior for fear of civil consequences.


Yeah, there are way worse Karens. She wasn’t loudly hurling demeaning epithets, or screaming “stop touching me! I’m calling the police!” at the top of her lungs.

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The delivery guy only had a mask on part of the time and only over part of his face–there’s a brief cut in the middle (3:25) where it shows him without the mask. But yes.

I think that the douchebagery expressed by these videos is not tied by the skin tone as a main cause.
Can’t find now but I’ve seen a video of a resident blocking two linemen of the phone company because one of the homeowners of the condo asked for FTTH and they were laying fiber.And this was so common and so was pissing off the phone company that the Italian law was changed so it states explicitly that fiber could be laid off in the same conduits used for other utilities like electricity. And still people like to block linemen.

Actually, most of them would be considered assult.

The definition of assault varies by jurisdiction, but is generally defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required. - www.law.cornell.edu

I think the main problem is most of the “karen” type people, male and female, tend to be white, working or retired, middle-aged/senior, middle/upper-class people with no history of criminal acts, i.e. the kind of people they consider not to be a threat to society and a burden on the justice system if they spend time on them. Which, of course, is racist garbage, and completely dismisses the abuse the people being harassed have endured.

What I wonder is whether any of these people take the extra step to sue their Karen. I doubt lawyers would be very interested because the offenders can’t afford to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it would be awesome to see these people dragged into civil court afterwards to pay for the emotional abuse they put their victims through. Civil court has a much lower standards than criminal court. I could see many of these people paying out the max in a small claims court.


I think it would be naive to assume she stands at that door refusing entry to every and all visitors. If she’s really been at that building for years then she must have seen someone get buzzed in before.

She explicitly accused him of being some kind of criminal because he didn’t “look like” a “real” delivery person, though she struggled to articulate why (he didn’t get out of an Uber? WTF?).

That lady is racist AF.


And that fucking “basketball” dogwhistle.


Among others. Seriously, you have to have some industrial-grade blinders on not to see the racism in this video.


Yes, there are always disgruntled cranks and busybodies creating these problems. But the racist overlay to this kind of incident is far more common in the U.S. than it is in Italy, for reasons that should be obvious.

In related news, hee-hee:


I’m appalled that this evil creature exists.


Yeah, I caught that when she asked the person on the intercom ‘what building?’ I’m pretty convinced that the MegaKaren there doesn’t actually live in the building either, or possibly not anymore, but that’s just a flat out fail on so many levels.


Here’s a fun thought experiment: how do you suppose this woman would have reacted if a black resident tried to stop someone SHE was trying to buzz into the building?


Aha, trick question! She wants nothing to do with Black people!


Believing one’s own wrongdoing to be ameliorated by the more egregious wrongdoing of others is both a logical and moral fallacy. If that’s the lesson a person takes away from documentation of the experiences of marginalized people, then they need to be corrected. The very fact that privilege enables many not to see what POC endure is itself participation, however unwittingly, in systemic racism, just like the job discrimination by the unreflective manager in your example.

Anyone who isn’t nauseated, let alone who loves, videos such as these has likewise seriously lost the plot. Anyone who enjoys watching oppression has a serious empathy deficiency.

I chose to like your comment because IMHO it furthers the conversation, but with the nontrivial caveat that I don’t endorse the use of the misogynistic term hag. (I realize it wasn’t intentional, but I want to be clear that I object to it.)


Comparing bad Karens’ is kind of like comparing festering ass boils…none of them are very enticing.


…and honestly it defeats the benefit of robbing them of their individual notoriety or infamy. Part of why I have always enjoyed the karen-branding phenomenon is it is the one area where we are not raising people up as 15 minutes of fame celebrities. The saddest part of the mass-shooter phenomenon is that in 50 years, the names of the shooters will be remembered, and the names of the victims will be forgotten.

Instead in this one area we are robbing them of their individualness, not inserting their names in the overall consciousness, but still outing them for the filth they are. In 50 years all of these people will just be “karen”, hopefully with a small k.

That warms my heart.


Yeah, I think OPs gal hasn’t got a chance at the title. Just wow:


That too!

Well, there are occasional problems at the place, like the letters she kept getting from the landlord that she never opened, or the notices they kept putting on her door, or the time all her possessions were on the sidewalk out front. Then they took her name off the list on the intercom. Life’s not easy for Karen. Her dog ran away first chance it got, and her family went out to look for it and never came back.