Woman tries out for title of Worst Karen on the planet

Needless to say, she has no mask, and she’s right up into his face. Yet another of the multiple ways in which she is an asshole.


I dunno, 400 years of institutionalized white supremacy might bend you to comport yourself with dignity or poise around white people or risk being murdered.


That’s a pretty bad Karen, but I’d argue the Amy Karen from central park was worse. Anyone who thinks they can just get away with making false police reports is worse that just being a rude Ahole, they’re a sociopath.


I watched this and it made my day appreciably worse to see it. It would have made it much worse to live it. What the hell is wrong with people? (Rhetorical – no point speculating).


Only the puritans could name a child O Be Joyful, and beat it whenever it was.


I would happily let her try to talk to me if she’d leave the person delivering my food alone. She won’t like what I have to say if only because I don’t have to stand there and take it. This is absolutely privilege and I am happy to use it in this manner, although I wish it was never needed.


What a horrid person. Gee, I wonder why they took her name off the directory, or how she seemingly doesn’t know how to use the intercom in her own building. A total lack of friends, perhaps?


Was Karen at the bar?

Is there really a preponderance of these racist encounters with women?

I was in a relationship with a toxic Karen for a while, and it seems to be a chihuahua mentality: the person feels not only infringed upon, but increasingly powerless. My experience is that these people are misanthropes in general, and would prefer to be recluses. Oh, and strong candidates for misophonia, where certain sounds can set them off.

I had to bail, it was too emotionally abusive.


Remote garage and door openers could be hacked quite easily, their security is absent. It’s easy to find ciruits that brute-force attack these remotes.

One random youtube video:


How are you folks watching the video? I click on the link and it takes me to an Insta-something login page …


it worked for me on the main BB page, The videos don’t make it to the BBS side.


Could this kind of behavior be categorized as harassment in the United-States?
If so, people should sue over this kind of thing, create a strong legal precedent.

Which would create a far more efficient deterrent against this kind of crap.

Am I wrong to think so?


Just naive.


ah well, to bad the the state of law :neutral_face:

Could naive be a synonym of : Not disillusioned yet? ahahah

I’m surely bound to getting there any time soon!


What a raging, hateful, lunatic. How can she not understand that the person on the intercom LIVES IN THE BUILDING‽

Good grief.


Next up, she’s convinced that the apartment is being illegally rented out on Airbnb. Or something like that.

Never underestimate the reasoning ability of someone in the grip of a resentment high.


OTOH, the reason white people love these videos is they let us off the hook personally (at least I’m not that bad). Like, I bet there’s more than one manager who’s raged at this hag over their lunch break, then gone back to that stack of job applications and … somehow intuited … that Linda Smith would be a better fit than Fairouz Hussein.

It’s worth documenting that, yep, there still are people this bad. But sharing it is not morally instructive for white people if we’re using it to feel different from racists, instead of feeling bad about being on the same side of racial injustice as they are.


This is the kind of situation where you find out SHE’S illegally renting out her place on Airbnb and because of her entitlement doesn’t see an issue of letting other randos she approves of into the building. But god forbid anyone else in the building letting in people just trying to do their jobs.