Woman very upset about Easter Bunny in church parking lot

You know, being a cannibal cult isn’t a problem for me.

Being an international criminal organization with a long history of successfully shielding child rapists from prosecution is a much more vile feature.

They also are an international criminal organization devoted to spreading AIDS in Africa by spreading misinformation about condoms and birth control. They want people to die pointlessly.

They garner far too much respect. The catholic chruch is a cancer on humanity, and if I had my way, I’d raid the vatican, extradite their child rapists back to the countries where they committed their crimes, and return all the nazi loot to the rightful owners.


Yes. They’re a cult. Like… North Korean Kim Jung il worshippers. Politics and religion.

It’s a largely political point of view couched in religious terms. Her’s is ultra paranoid. She’s a big believer Satan is in all things of this world and whatnot.

It’s part of a theology. And it’s based on believing in more and more fantastic and creative versions of Christianity to stay faithful.

Which is great if you’re looking for simple answers. People go straight weird with this shit.

Her Easter Bunny madness is fire and brimstone preaching. It’s old time religion. Bible banging and screaming about hellfire.

She’s doing you a favor. And chastizing the wicked. She’s supposed to. She probably believes she’s a new apostle or something equally creative.

She doesn’t represent all Christians by any means! Christianity when talking about love is a beautiful thing. I notice people who talk about hate rarely talk about Jesus or what Jesus did.

According to my theology, as I interpreted the Bible, Jesus spoke consistently about love, forgiveness, kindness and sacrifice of oneself to help others. We comes before I. Feed the hungry. Help the poor. Love thy neighbor. Remember ones own sin before judging another. If you don’t have love first in your heart, you are not doing God’s work. Be humble. Pray for forgiveness for ones own sins, and for God’s mercy on us all. It’s incredibly sweet and loving. It’s wonderful. I adore the entire ethic.

And one day I bawled so hard, because to me… Jesus is a mythologized Martin Luther King. A man who gave his life to tell us were are one family and all we need to do. To be in heaven on earth… Is to love one another. And help them as you would have them help you.

Altogether now… Utopia on 3. One… Two… BANG!

That’s kinda how I see it. WWJD.

Not that at all. That’s something else. A crazy terrifying kind of Christian. American Taliban. Shit like that.


She was a Christian lunatic screaming at a bunch of people at Church gatherings who were also Christians, so I dunno, most of the Christians seemed like people trying to quietly have a nice day with their families and not be screaming crazies.


And of course it’s in a ‘Christian’ state.

makes me so glad I live in Tennessee…


Almost sounds like the plot of a new HBO or Netflix show!

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I agree, she’s a sincerely hateful person.

Here’s the thing. Christian theology is made up. Self-styled Christians can make it whatever they want, and they do, and the fact that they convince themselves that they didn’t make it up doesn’t change that. It’s the same problem I have with Bill Maher’s stance that Islamic theology is fundamentally violent and misogynistic. The violence, whether in Islam or Christianity, comes from the cultures and sub-cultures that claim their mantles. Their religion is merely the rationalization. It gets shoehorned into the values of the community; it does not create the values. Claims of many Christians and Muslims to the contrary, no one group or person can delineate what Christianity or Islam are. There is not most legitimate interpretation of a fictional story. So when people suggest (and I’m not assuming you are doing so) that getting rid of a religion would put an end to this kind of behavior, they’re wrong. Would the world be better without religion? I think so, as a more realistic view of reality can only help. Would it be free of these bullies? No.

In other words, every religion has multiple groups of people claiming to follow it but actually following different theologies.


ROFLMAO. I love Christians.

Northeast Tennessee here… representing! LOL. We love our snake handlers.

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Y’know…until one of these shows up in your parking lot, shut the fuck up.


She knows it is related to paganism, but ignores that jesus rising from the dead is a fictional plagiarized/reimagined pagan holiday? The christian selective hypocrisy and dissonance gives me such a mental boner. It makes me take a closer look at myslef, wondering what things I’m confused about but am unable to see it.


Well she’s doing a great job spreading the Gospel of Love.

Christ, what an asshole!


You what is the real sin here?



Fair point.

I guess I’m just looking at this from the viewpoint of people who use these crazy anomaly type people as the excuse for why all religion is bad. yes, people go too far and do bad things with religion, religion, however does some very good things as well. A lot of charity organizations are run by well-meaning people brought together through religion. These crazy types of people undermine that, that’s all I was trying to get at :frowning:


She also thinks Santa Claus is pagan.

Then again, she’s not a Catholic, and probably mono-lingual to boot.


Per Matthew 7:17-19 I think that the Christian thing to do in this situation might be to cut her down and throw her into the fire.


Don’t help me I can save myself
If I’m incomplete don’t fill the gaps
Save me from the people who would save me from myself
They got muscle for brains

-Gang of Four, “Muscles For Brains”

Santa Claus is a pagan tradition. And kids are supposed to leave stockings by the fireplace filled with carrots, straw, or sugar for Odin’s (or Woden’s, for Germanic folks) flying horse Sleipnir to eat.

The connection between today’s Santa and the Saint Nicholas of Catholicism is tenuous at best, and as you mention, saints don’t feature in most other flavors of Christianity.


I still think the oddest thing related to this is that so many people think fish do not count as meat :wink:


I kinda wonder if maybe she’s had a bad experience with the Easter Bunny in the past, and all the misplaced anger and fear springs from a well of suppressed memories of trauma.


I always thought that was a tad dishonest.

I at least try to be “green”, combining vegetarianism with recycling. I only eat animals that eat plants.