Xitter XEO exposes vast conspiracy of legal behavior

wow, she really seems to need this job, doesnt she?

the fuck is she talking about?!?

e/ ah, I see;

A week later, Rep. Jim Jordan (as he is known to do) released a very stupid, misleading report, claiming that GARM was an antitrust violation and that it was pressuring advertisers not to advertise on conservative media

jim fucking jordan and “evidence”? jah, right.

thats funny, linda;

Membership of the initiative is voluntary, as is adherence to the established guidelines. GARM does not make any decisions on advertising bookings, does not make any recommendations on specific bookings and expressly does not sanction violations of the guidelines.

and stupid as fuck on top, linda;

However, the lawsuit shoots itself in the foot in the very next paragraph: the alleged advertising boycott is “against the economic interests of the boycotting advertisers”, it says, because advertising is cheaper on X than on other social networks. According to established US case law, collectively organized boycotts can certainly violate the Sherman Act – but only if they are to the economic advantage of the boycotters. If the motives behind the boycott are other than economic advantage, community boycotts are permissible

aaaand as advertising is cheaper on shitter like you say and would clearly be an economic advantage, well…or are you saying seriously the economic advantage comes because they do not advertise on shitter? Id love to see them trying this bs in court.

e/ awww, fuck!;

Elon sued in Texas. And not just any Texas court, but the Northern District of Texas, Wichita Falls Division, where they were guaranteed to get judge Reed O’Connor, who is already hearing Elon’s SLAPP suit against Media Matters (and has already been siding with Elon despite the ridiculousness of the case).