Yes, Trump just said "titties"

Isn’t that why Apple has the most employees of any business?


Winner Winner. Chicken Dinner!


I’m surprised no one has brought this up yet. It was a bad feed. A better recording has him clearly saying cities.

I mean he’s still a fabulist racist traffic cone, but he didn’t even accidentally say titties.


I like titties as much as the next (straight) guy, but sorry, I still can’t vote for Trump. I’m voting for the candidate that actually has a pair, instead of the candidate that is a giant boob.


Maybe it’s a game. Like that scene from Super Troopers where the cops try to get away with saying ‘meow’ as many times as possible during a traffic stop.

Or he’s just pandering to the strip club patron voting bloc.


I think that this is a bit of payback for the Trump ad in which it claims Clinton said that she’d raise taxes on the middle class. (She used “aren’t” instead of “are not.”)

I did watch the video above and I could swear I did hear a “t” sound, but I also think that it might be connected to his accent or lack of articulation. From what you wrote about another audio feed it does sound like that might be the case. Unlike others who posted, I didn’t see any visual cues from him that indicated a mispronounced word.


ok, since I won’t watch I guess I will just have to imagine what the gesture he is making signifies.

Correct. The only time you spend money (hire more people) is to make more money (be able to make/sell more of what you sell). Biz 101. Tax rate has nothing to do with this. Taxes is about how much of the profit you get to keep.


One of the core facts about stock markets is that they are markets, and need a constant supply of buyers. Once one huckster thinks of a new slogan, pretty soon they are all shouting it. All the “bank economists” and so on are basically there to provide a Greek chorus, so when the huckster shouts “Buy my dotcoms! They run on eyeballs!” the chorus shouts “He’s right!”
And every time it works. For a while.


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