Yet another Battlestar Galactica reboot

Benedict ‘s epic sour grapes that some woman took his boring cardboard cutout and made it into an actually interesting character will never not be funny. kisses fingertips


Interesting. Probably fitting that he played a 1960’s Alabama racist in a movie I worked on back in the 80’s, The Long Walk Home. I never talked to him, but his reputation on set was that he kind of a jerk, so this doesn’t surprise me.

He does Creepy laugh better then any other actor around

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BSG by Sam Esmail, eh? To bad we already know the plot twist.

Unless…maybe the Cylons are just a figment of the refugees’ collective imagination. An emergency they concocted as a way to cope with their guilt over nuking one of their sister colonies into oblivion.

Please please please don’t destroy this reboot my making the ending into mystical nonsense, the great sin of the 2000-era reboot.


The problem is the mythology stuff was baked into the show the moment they had an incorporeal Six inhabit Dr. Baltar’s brain.

Actually, if NBC is looking for one of their sci-fi properties to re-imagine, they should have gone with The Six-Million Dollar Man (updated for inflation). You can study the man-machine conflict with only one actor!


Forget BSG. Where’s my damn Babylon 5 reboot? Hopefully with a complete story arc that doesn’t have a rushed and nonsensical partial last season tacked on.


It could have been some sort of personality disorder caused by his guilt or a cylon brain virus … anything but their lame “it was angels” brainfart.

Won’t happen as J. Michael Straczynski and WB allegedly hate each other. The legal rights situation between these two is a mess and they don’t allow each other to do something Babylon-y.

I feel like the first run of the show didn’t fully explore the narrative potential of Londo’s six prehensile penises.


O_O I must have stopped watching at the wrong time.

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I’d be okay if HBO did it up right. :thinking:

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I was under the impression that we were going to see that the consciousness of an angsty teenage girl became the soul of the entire Cylon race. So yes, it was getting way more interesting than just mono vs poly.

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Sad but true :frowning:

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It’s kind of weird to have wave after wave of remakes, each wave being inspired by the previous one, rather than the original. Assuming that’s actually the case here, but remakes/reboots are rather muddy in their actual inspirations.

Half the time the “reboots” are original. Doubly true when there’s a lot of money involved. You’ve got creators with ideas they’d like to make, and corporations with “properties” they own that they’d like to make use of, so there ends up being a matching process where creators try to get hold of the property most like their own idea, then warping it to fit as much as possible. Sometimes they’re stuck with a property completely unlike their idea - and we end up with an adaptation/remake that has absolutely nothing in common with the ostensible source material.

Although in this case, it seems to be something else altogether, seemingly not trying to be a reboot but instead some sort of robot story that fits into that universe, somehow. (And given that the story was supposed to be cyclical, it could be just about anything that involves robots in conflict with people.)

Ooof, yeah.


Joseph Campbell would like a word with you.


[quote=“VenTatsu, post:12, topic:151623, full:true”]
I’d be ok with the re-re-boot on one condition, write the ending first… …Don’t give us another series that starts good but runs until either they run out of ideas or run out of ratings and then end it in an abrupt nonsensical way.[/quote]

I would thoroughly agree with this approach.

Well, I should say it’s weird when the original is the one people were first exposed to, and not that long ago.

There was a shot in one of the early episodes in which he used one to cheat at cards. I think the network only got away with it because the show hadn’t yet elaborated on Centauri anatomy to provide enough context to understand what we were seeing. (“Ha ha, he’s an alien that has hidden tentacles he can use to manipulate objects. Wait, what do you mean ‘that’s not a tentacle?’”)

oh, that part was just honoring the source material

if they hadn’t gotten canceled Larson’s plan seemed to be they should run into one alternate possible Earth after another and then each one would be revealed by the “seraphs” as a distracting temptation or something

I’ll say if they’re going to reboot it again they should go all in on the Greek and Egyptian stuff instead of downplaying it the way Moore did

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No Farscape reunion show?

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